Part 6 : In 'Pain' and In 'Pleasure'

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The ride back to the palace proves hard for the Young Prince. 'Why must it be him?; It was my fault. I was the one who tasted his blood. I was the one who cemented this bond. I was the older one, the one who should have thought before acting. Maybe I should have died. Maybe then Xian would not be in pain... '

YiJun's mind is aware that the things that he is blaming himself for are not exactly his fault, but he blames himself nonetheless.

Xi Xi had refused to tell him at first, 'What does it matter even if I tell you!?' She had asked the young prince. But ultimately, she had relented and told him everything about how the spell worked, and explained what would hurt Xian and what would not. It was an awkward conversation for both of them.

YiJun had cried and begged in front of Xian's parents to transfer the spell on him. In the end, they had relented, just a little.

On reaching the palace, YiJun had run to the physician's chamber and found Xian sleeping there. He had picked up the younger boy and taken him to his room. He had sat and looked at Xian for a few moments. Then, controlling his heart and emotions, he had stroked Xian's forehead before going back to his study table to give finishing touches to this assignment.

Xian had continued to sleep till the evening. He had finally woken up just before dusk.

"Jun, you are back...." Xian notices, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"Hey, you are up," YiJun replies, taking a seat next to Xian.

"When did you get back?"

"A few hours ago," YiJun answers, stroking Xian's cheek.

The younger boy closes his eyes, readying himself for the pain, but it doesn't come. Xian looks at YiJun, who continues to stroke the younger boy's face lovingly.

"Did you meet my parents?" He asks, holding YiJun's wrist.


"Did they tell you what they did?"


"Do you hate them now?" Xian asks, breaking the eye contact and looking away from him.

YiJun chuckles. He cups Xian's face, "I can never hate them. How can I? They made you."

Xian smiles, looking relieved; he forgets about the spell and hugs YiJun. He feels a dull ache in his chest. He recalls his mother's words and lets go of YiJun. He moves away from the older boy, 'Why doesn't it hurt like before? Something is wrong. There should be pain.'

YiJun's face falls when Xian moves away from him as if scared; as if he will hurt him, "Xian, don't worry. I will not let you bear this pain alone."

Xian's brows knit together, "What did you do, Jun?" he asks, sounding worried.

"Don't worry. I didn't do anything that would make your heart hurt," YiJun says, getting on the bed. He puts his hand on Xian's chest, "Close your eyes and keep your eyes on my face. Calm your heart."

"Jun, what are... " Xian feels confused. He knows that being this close to Jun should make his heart hurt; the lack of pain scares him.

YiJun puts his finger on his soulmate's lips and lies down next to him, "Do you remember how you used to feel about me before?"

"Mn." Xian nods slowly.

"Try to think about me that way now. I was yours then and I am yours now. I am not going anywhere. So when you touch me, remember our times before I healed you." YiJun explains.

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