Part 3 :- To 'Have' and To 'Hold'

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At first, the boys run around the room, and then the whole palace becomes their playground as they chase each other. Not even the King's council room spared.

Though YiJun still insists on sending Xian back home before sunset, things once again revert to how they were two years ago, before YiJun had started distancing himself from Xian. The palace starts buzzing with happiness as the Prince laughs and smiles once again.

'It's all because of Xian.' Everyone knows it.

Another year passes, during which Xian starts working more closely with the royal physician and starts attending council meetings with YiJun as ordered by the King.

On the evening of Xian's sixteenth birthday, the boys take permission from their tutors to skip the evening classes. They had heard about a new travelling market that had come to their kingdom for a limited time, and both of them were curious to visit it.

When YiJun had asked what Xian wanted as his birthday gift, the younger boy had suggested that they visit the market. So, as the evening draws closer, the two of them leave the palace and head to the evening market.

As they stroll down the busy streets, Xian points at various things and goes to observe them closely while Jun follows close behind.

Xian seems happy looking at the multitude of items on display.

"Xian, does nothing catch your eye?" YiJun asks when they have toured almost the entire market.

"I already have what I need. These things are all beautiful, but nothing matches you. If you are with me, why would I need anything else?" Xian says, looking at a hair ornament before putting it back and thanking the owner of the stall.

YiJun gets stunned once again at the meaning behind such deep words, so casually spoken, 'How can he just say such things?'

When Xian notices that YiJun is not next to him, he turns and returns to YiJun, "Jun, what do you want to do next?"

YiJun looks at the sky and notices that the light will be gone soon. He holds Xian's hand and starts running. When the boys arrive at the beach, it's a little chilly. Xian lets go of YiJun's hand and runs towards the water.

"Jun, come! The water's warm!" he calls, and YiJun joins him.

"Jun, do you know why it's cold outside, yet the water is warm?" Xian questions. YiJun knows the reason, but he also loves to hear Xian talk, "I know, but why don't you tell me what you think? I will tell you if you are right." YiJun encourages.

"When the sun rays fall on the water, the water welcomes it into its heart and then keeps it safe so that when the fishes feel cold, it can release the rays back. The water becomes warm again, and fish become happy."

YiJun blinks several times. Xian tilts his head cutely. His face falls a little, "Jun, is that not why the water is warm? Am I stupid?"

YiJun can't take it anymore. He hugs the younger boy tight. "You are not wrong, nor are you stupid. Don't ever change."

"Jun... Ouch! You are squishing me again! Let go!"

YiJun lets go reluctantly, "Sorry."

Xian doesn't hear Jun. His eyes fall on an object lying half-buried under the sand. He runs to it and picks it up before the waves can carry it away.

It's an oyster shell.

YiJun looks at the setting sun that is bathing the sky in beautiful shades of red and peach. Xian waves the shell in the air gesturing YiJun to come and have a look. With YiJun by his side, he tries to open it, but instead, cuts his finger on its sharp edges. He winces, and the shell slips through his fingers.

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