Part 12 :- Till 'Death' do us Part

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Gayo laughs. His laugh echos inside the cellar. "There is no love powerful enough to resist my words, stupid human." He states resolutely. Meanwhile, Wangji keeps holding Xian in his arms.

"What the hell are you doing just sitting there? He is dead." Gayo says irritatedly, before he hears XiChen whisper, "No...please..."

Gayo, who had forgotten about Shin, now goes to her. Her body remains unmoving. 

"What is wrong with her?" He asks, observing the blue vein-like marks forming on her body.

"She is dying." Someone answers from behind him. He turns around to find Xian standing next to Wangji; he looks perfectly fine.

The sight leaves Gayo speechless. For the first time since his creation, Gayo feels uncertain about his abilities. He looks at Shin, and right in front of him, his sister turns to dust.

"Impossible!" Gayo mutters, not believing his eyes. He looks at XiChen, who is sitting next to Shin's ashes, and his need for survival kicks in. He looks at Wangji, and it strikes fear in his heart for some unknown reason.

"XiChen, snap out of it. She is gone. Kill them."

XiChen finally looks up. He cups Gayo's face in his hands, "When a jade is born from a lotus, in the womb of clouds."

Gayo's brows knit together; XiChen continues, "Thrice died; twice part alive; will rise the fourth time in his mother's home;"

Gayo moves away from XiChen, "Why are you repeating the prophecy? Wait. How do you know the prophecy!?"

XiChen picks up the shell locket, "And a Vermillion wolf prince with the blood of night, come together,"

Gayo' eyes widen, and he starts shaking his head, all the while looking at XiChen questioningly. 

XiChen stands and walks to Xian. Gayo's eyes widen, "XiChen, come back to me, my boy." He urges. 

XiChen looks at Gayo and delivers the last line of the prophecy, "two jades, will end the curse; one of flesh and one of stone; on the first day of the nineteenth year."

Gayo laughs like a maniac and shakes his head. Then his face darkens, "XiChen, you know that I had every Jade killed, every single one, except you."

XiChen smiles. It's heartbreakingly sad, "Yes, you did. That was the first time a Jade born from a lotus, died."

Gayo looks at XiChen questioningly; XiChen shakes his head, "I guess I owe you an explanation. After all, you did spare my life."

Gayo's brows knit together, "XiChen, we love each other!"

XiChen ignores him, "Did you think that I was the only one born from a lotus in the womb of a cloud?" XiChen pats his chest and continues, "You were overconfident, master."

He looks at Xian, "Do you know which bloodline the man standing here comes from?" XiChen pauses, "Of course, you don't. He comes from Bai bloodline."

"Bai...." Gayo mutters and adds, "That is not possible, I can't smell it in his blood.

"Of course, you can't. I made sure of it when I made Xian drink the wine at the party." XiChen explains.

"Bai... " Gayo mutters again, and XiChen continues, "Yes, master, Bai... Cloud. Do you know that he has a mark on his chest, just like mine: A white lotus."

Gayo's eyes widen.

"The day you marked me and cursed me into this immortal existence, taking away my family and freedom, I have hated you. You didn't even spare your sister, all because she was in love with me. You corrupted her mind, and made her into someone she hated the most." XiChen points at Shin. "I had asked you to leave her alone, but you did not even grant me that. You took away her purity to satisfy your ego. Did you think I didn't know that it was your blood that controlled her every move? It was your words and persuasion that turned her into a..." XiChen doesn't complete his sentence. He can't bring himself to do it.

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