Part 3 :- Lost and Found

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"Look into my eyes... "

Xian stares into YiJun's eyes.

"You feel no pain." YiJun uses his power of persuasion. 'The least I can do is make him comfortable.'

"YiJun, you know, just by telling me not to feel pain, you can't stop me from feeling pain," Xian says, continuing to smile weakly.

'It didn't work on him!... Why?' YiJun wonders. 

"Your Jun is stupid, Xian, and that is why he needs you to stay with him forever." YiJun tries to smile.

They reach the physician's chamber, but the room is empty. 

He puts Xian on the bed. 

"He must have stepped out. Hold on. I will bring him to... "

"Jun, please stop. I can't bear it anymore. We only have a few more moments. I can feel it. I don't want to die here alone. Stay with me." Xian requests. 

YiJun stops. Then something occurs to him.

"Uncle, did you do something to heal me?"

"No. You healed on your own." Shen replies.

'Maybe her blood can heal him.' YiJun thinks. He takes the knife he had used on Su Shin and taking the blood left on it on his fingers, and rubs it on Xian's wrist. 

Xian winces. But nothing happens. 

"What are you doing?" Xian asks.

YiJun doesn't answer. Instead, he cuts his finger and holds it to Xian's mouth. 

"Lick it."

"Jun, I know that you tasted my blood when we..." Xian starts, then he realizes that Shen was with them, "but that doesn't mean that I will lick your finger. That's gross." He jokes. 

'Even when he is in so much pain, he wants to make me smile.'

"Please," YiJun begs.

"Fine," Xian says before licking the blood off of YiJun's finger.

"How do you feel?" YiJun asks.

"Gross," Xian says, smirking. But before YiJun can say anything, Xian's smirk disappears, and his brows knit together.

Xian looks at YiJun.

"I think it's time. I can't hold on any longer."

"No... No, you can't leave me. I promise that I will always come to you at dusk and be with at dawn- I will kiss you every day. I will never stop loving you- Please don't leave me." YiJun mutters desperately, holding Xian in his arms.

"I am sorry, Jun...I shouldn't have believed that woman. I should have trusted our bond more. I love you. I will never love anyone but you; in every single life, I will only love you. Jun, I can't hold on anymore- I don't know how or when, but I know in my heart that we will meet again- I will wait for you at dusk. I will wait till you come to me." Xian whispers, running out of time and breaths.

With all the strength he can muster, he pulls YiJun towards himself and brings their lips together. 

The two men kiss desperately till Xian's hand falls away from YiJun's neck, and his lips become unresponsive.

YiJun breaks the kiss and looks at his lover's face. 

"Nooooooooooo ... Please come back...Please stay. Please....." YiJun screams, holding Xian's body close, rocking him gently.

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