Part 7 :- In 'Pain' and In 'Pleasure'

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The next morning, Xian doesn't wake up at dawn. He doesn't go to the window. YiJun, however, does; he wakes up at dawn and looks at the rising sun. He holds up a locket. It is golden and shaped like an oyster shell.

 It is golden and shaped like an oyster shell

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The sun rays fall on it, making it glimmer. 'Beautiful and perfect.' YiJun thinks, turning to look at the sleeping boy. Without waking Xian up, YiJun walks back to his table and starts studying. 

It's almost midday when Xian finally opens his eyes. He sits up and rubs his eyes," Jun?" he asks slowly.

YiJun walks over to the sleepy boy and ruffles his hair, "Someone missed looking at dawn today."

Xian's eyes widen, "Really?" He looks out the window, "You should have woken me up."

YiJun hugs Xian, "I wanted to, but you looked like you needed to sleep. And I was right; you are looking like your old self again." YiJun says, letting go of the younger boy.

YiJun fetches the Golden Locket lying on the table and shows it to Xian, "I have a gift for you."

Xian snatches it immediately and looks at it lovingly. He traces it's shape lightly, "It's our shell, you made it into a locket."

"Mn. Do you like it?"

Xian looks at the locket, mesmerized, "Mn. How can I not? Everything Jun touches becomes beautiful." The younger boy states, and looks up at YiJun, who had tears in his eyes. 

'How can someone be this beautiful and pure?' YiJun wonders, pulling Xian on his lap and hugging him.

After holding each other for a few minutes, YiJun takes the locket and ties it around Xian's neck, "I filed the edges, so it doesn't hurt your skin."

Xian puts his palm on the shell and closes his eyes. "It feels like us."

YiJun looks at the younger boy, questioningly. "How so?"

"I found it, and you made it beautiful and perfect," Xian answers, turning it between his fingers. He notices the small latch on it and questions, "Can I open it?"

"Of course, you can. It's yours, after all."

Xian opens the locket and finds a small black pearl inside.

"It was inside the shell. So I put it back there when I modified it. You can remove it and put whatever you want inside it."

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