Part 7 :- To 'Have' and To 'Hold'

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Xian's arms encircle YiJun's neck, and he brings their faces closer.

"Xian..." YiJun whispers, before stepping away from the younger boy, "I promised Aunty that I wouldn't kiss you."

Xian tilts his head cutely before giggling. Then his eyes are drawn to YiJun's lips. His giggles stop abruptly. He bites his lips, "Jun, I didn't promise my mother anything... yet."

Xian once again pulls YiJun closer and takes the older boy's lips between his.

YiJun gasps. His mind goes blank. He doesn't understand what brought upon such a sudden change in Xian's attitude.

Xian relentlessly kisses YiJun's lips. Daring YiJun to stop him, refuse him, begging him to respond.

YiJun closes his eyes, trying to calm himself down, 'Maybe this is what Aunty meant when she said that our desire to be with each other would be strong.'

He holds Xian's shoulder and steps away, holding Xian in place, "Xian, you should not do this. Do you want Aunty to call your Jun a liar who can't keep his promise?"

"Jun is not a liar!" Xian pouts. He is upset, and it shows in the way he crosses his arms over his chest and looks away from YiJun.

"Xian, Aunty is waiting. You should leave." YiJun turns Xian's face towards him, "You will see me in a few days, alright. I will miss you."
He embraces Xian. There are tears in his eyes when he lets go of the younger boy.

Xian takes out the shell he had found on the beach and hands it over to him.

"Xian, why are you giving it to me?" YiJun asks, wondering if Xian doesn't want it anymore.

A tear makes its way down Xian's cheek as well. He quickly wipes it off, "Keep it with you. Think of it as me." Xian pauses and gives a quick kiss on YiJun's cheek, "Till you have it with you, I will never be too far away."

There is a small, sad smile on both their faces as Xian walks out of YiJun's chamber.

When the door closes, YiJun kisses the shell in his hand and holds it to his heart, "Hold on, my love. Just hold on."


Xian eats at the diner and returns home. On the way back, he feels like someone is following him. However, even after checking multiple times, he doesn't find anyone.

'Maybe I am just freaking out because of what happened last night and today morning.'

He rides his bike faster; he feels unclean eyes on the back of his head.

Once home, he finishes his assignments and prepares dinner for Jiang Cheng and Yanli.

When he checks the time, it's almost 7.45. He leaves for picking up Jiang Cheng.

Unlike the night before, no one tries to kidnap him. He breathes a sigh of relief when he picks up Jiang Cheng and heads back home.

On their way back, Xian continues to feel like someone is watching him. But surprisingly, this time it calms him, instead of freaking him out.

When they reach home, Jiang Cheng runs inside, "I am soooo hungry... Ummm. Wei Xian, did you make my favorite pot pie?" Jiang Cheng asks, throwing a glance back at Xian, who he notices has not followed him inside.

Hearing Cheng's voice, Yanli walks out of the room. When she sees her brother walking outside again, she too follows him outside.

"Dawn, you are back!" Xian exclaims, hugging the white wolf dog.

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