Part 1 :- To 'Have' and To 'Hold'

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YiJun had already decided to give Xian whatever the younger boy would ask of him. It was just that YiJun had not expected Xian to ask for something so difficult for YiJun to give. But since he had promised, he keeps his word. He gets off the bed and locks the door from the inside before pledging. "I promise that I will never act recklessly and cause you to worry about me. I will be more responsible."

Xian smiles brightly at that, and YiJun walks over to the bed once more and removes his top garments. Sitting on bed, he shrugs, "As you can see, I am fine. I just received minor cuts and bruises. It's not even hurting anymore." He lets Xian look, before picking up his garments and covering himself up once again.

Xian holds his wrist, "Wait. Not yet." He says, observing YiJun's body. The latter's face flushes, heat rises to his cheeks, and the tips of his ears turn red.

Xian's hands start leaving featherlight touches on each cut; on each bruise, "I should have come to you earlier. It's my fault." Xian tries to meet YiJun's eyes, but he doesn't look at the younger boy at all.

"Jun, what have I done to make you distance yourself from me?"

"Nothing. You have done nothing. It's me. It's my problem."

Xian leans in closer to inspect the wounds. His eyes fill with tears once more, "Does it hurt a lot?"

"No, not at all."

Xian touches YiJun's arms, "Your body has changed."

YiJun's heart starts racing as Xian tenderly starts touching YiJun all over his body.

"Xian... " YiJun whispers breathlessly, when he feels Xian's soft lips on his shoulder. Xian looks up, and their eyes finally meet. Xian cups YiJun's face, "Mother says that you will find your way back to me?"


"I asked her why you had started hating me."

"Xian, I never said that I hate you."

"But you act like it."

YiJun can't deny that. He knows that he had been rude and inconsiderate to Xian over the past two years. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"That is what mom told me too. She thinks that you are confused and want to know yourself. And to do that, you are distancing yourself from everyone. But Jun, I am not everyone."

YiJun's resolve finally breaks, and he suddenly pulls Xian towards himself and hugs him. "No, you are not everyone. You are special. Xian, there are things I want; they are not right. Please understand, Xian."

Xian nods into the nape of YiJun's neck, "I understand," and breaks the embrace. He once again cups Jun's face and looks lovingly at the Prince; he starts stroking YiJun's eyebrows and cheeks. When the older boy doesn't stop him, he finally smiles and leans in to place a playful, wet kiss on YiJun's cheek, "Mine. My Jun."


*Jiang Residence*

The three Youngsters get ready to leave for school: Yanli catches a ride with her friend, and Cheng takes the bus.

Since the passing of his adopted parents, Xian had taken it upon himself to help Yanli with household chores. His school started later than the other two, so when hears a knock on the door, he is at home all alone.

He opens the door to find two well-built men he has never seen before; they seem dazed, "May I help you?" he asks.

"Are you Wei Xian?" One of them asks expressionlessly.

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