Part 9 :- In 'Pain' and In 'Pleasure'

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Days turn into months, and the boys get busy with training and education. They spend most of the nights in each other's arms. Sometimes they lose control, but the spell keeps them from taking the next step as the pain becomes unbearable for both of them, any time their feelings get the best of them.

Xian's knowledge both in medicine and the history of his people increases, and so does his knowledge of ancient spells. He hides his knowledge from everyone, for magic is forbidden in the Wang Kingdom.

With the ban on magic, his ancestors had lost their powers to perform magic as well. Their books, which were a treasure to his people once upon a time, had become just souvenirs handed down from parents to their children. For what use are books on magic when they had lost the power to perform it?

Now his people could do nothing more than tricks and mediocre spells.

What no one had imagined, however, was that Xian was different. The ancient mark of the white lotus that had appeared on his body was more than just a mark. His parents had known only half of the story. They had not read all the ancient books, so they had not known that the day Xian had got the mark, his dormant powers had partially activated.

Xian had studied the books thoroughly. He had realized that he could do magic the day he had performed the blood protection spell.

After that, he had tried to do more magic, but they were only partially successful. After much deliberation, he had concluded that maybe he needed more practice.

Xian had hidden this truth even from Jun. Though he knew that Jun would accept him, he knew that the King would never let him be near YiJun, if he knew that Xian could do magic.

YiJun's abilities had grown leaps and bounds too. Due to his good looks and supreme combat skills, he had achieved a great reputation.

Yet no one was aware of the constant pain they were enduring day and night because they couldn't be close to each other like they wanted to.

The months turn into years, and two years pass in a blink of an eye.

Finally, the day that Xian would turn eighteen almost arrives. Xi Xi asks Xian to spend the night at home. For the spell that had controlled Xian and YiJun's life for the past two years was about to break.

"Son, the spell will break tomorrow at dawn since you were born at the break of dawn. Maybe, that is why that is your favorite time of the day." Xi Xi tells a happy Xian.

"Mother, I want Jun to be the first one to see me when the spell breaks. Please, mother, will you allow me?" Xian asks.

Xi Xi knows what it is that her son is asking of her. She had seen the boys suffer for the past two years. She couldn't bring herself to stop Xian anymore, "Yes. I will tell you what you need to do once the spell breaks."

Xian smiles brightly, "Mother, you don't have to; I already know what I need to do. Don't worry. I will do what is required."

He rides to the palace late at night and wakes up Jun.

"There is a place that I want you to see." He says, taking the Prince to a small abandoned cottage on the outskirts of the kingdom.

"What is this place, Xian?"

"This is where I study," Xian says, lighting a few candles to brighten up the place.

YiJun looks around the now somewhat bright room. His eyes fall on the small table and two chairs, and a shelf stocked with books, "It's modest, but well-stocked." He observes, pursing his lips, "Do you entertain guests here often?"

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