Part 3 :- In 'Pain' and In 'Pleasure'

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On the morning of the eighth day, Xian is finally allowed to leave his room. He is excited to go to the palace. He is more excited, however, to be meeting YiJun after almost seven days.

Xi Xi is happy for her son, but she knows that he is no shape to resume his daily activities as an apprentice to the royal physician just yet. The thought of how Xian might feel if he can't stay away from YiJun, worries her as well.

Xian waves his parents goodbye, but before he can step out, Xi Xi hugs him, "Son, can't you go tomorrow instead? Your body is still recovering from the effects of the potion."

Xian hugs her back. In the past few days, the excruciating pain he had gone through had changed him. He was no more the innocent naive boy he was, barely seven days ago, "Mother, you and I both know that I can't stay away from him any longer. And as far as my work is concerned, I am sure father will come up with an excuse for me not to run errands for Senior Wu Tao."

Xiao Cong gently squeezes Xian's shoulder, "Son, you need to remember all that I have told you. You can not have or do what you want just yet. For both your sakes, you need to stay strong."

Xian nods, "Father, if it's what I have to do to protect him, I will do it."

As the father and son leave for the palace, Xi Xi's eyes finally release the tears she had held back for the past seven days. She already missed her son's carefree smile.

Cong and Xian had first met the King and given reasons for their absence. Xian's appearance, a testimony to the suffering he had endured.

"Cong, you should have let him rest for a few more days." The King says, walking over to take care closer look at the young boy. His brows knit together, "YiJun will be most displeased to see his friend's condition."

"Your Majesty, you are already aware that the prince has spent past seven nights outside our humble dwelling. We couldn't possibly delay Xian's return." Cong replies, looking directly at the King.

'They will never forgive me.' The King tells himself for the millionth time.

"Xian is excused from his apprenticeship duties until his health doesn't improve." The King declares, giving a small pat on the young boy's shoulder before leaving the council room.

The first thing Xian does after bidding farewell to his father is rushing to YiJun's chamber and entering without knocking.

He finds YiJun slumped over his study table with what appears to be a small blade in his hands, 'He is sleeping.' Xian notices, walking closer.

But the closer he gets to YiJun, the more uncomfortable his chest feels. He ignores the discomfort and slowly removes the small blade from YiJun's hand. YiJun stirs in his sleep and turns his face towards Xian.

Xian's heart breaks at the sight of dark circles under his Jun's eyes. His eyes roam all over YiJun's sleeping form, and tears make their way down his cheeks, 'Jun, you didn't take care of yourself at all. Look at how weak you have let yourself get.' Xian thinks, running his fingers over the sleeping boy's cheek.

"I said I am not hungry," YiJun mumbles and turns his face the other way, making Xian smile. He bends down and kisses his cheek lightly.

Xian gasps and steps back at the small yet sharp pain that he feels in his chest.

He shakes his head, 'If father and mother think that something like pain can keep me away from My Jun, they thought wrong.'

Wiping his tears, Xian once again takes his face next to YiJun, "It is way past dawn, and yet, my Jun is sleeping." He whispers and smiles before lightly nipping at YiJun's ear.

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