Part 10 :- Till 'Death' do us Part

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{Note:- Violent content towards the end of the update. Readers discretion advised.}


"Jun, Jun." A woman's voice reaches Wangji's ears; he tries to open his eyes, but he finds it impossible to do so. 

'Too bright.'

"Zhau, sweetie, help me." The woman asserts again, and he feels another set of arms wrap around him.

'A child.' Wangji realizes, and second later, he is being dragged.

"Not safe." Wangji murmurs.

"I know, Jun." the woman replies, panting.

"They will return, your blood, it attracts them." Wangji continues to murmur.

"Don't talk. Stay still." The woman orders, and Wangji falls silent immediately.

"Zhau, how is your father?" the woman enquires, her voice calm but full of concern.

"Father is sleeping." The young child informs.

"Damn it." The woman swears and lets go of Wangji.

"Mother, what should I do with this weird man?" The child asks; the woman doesn't respond. 

"No! Bohai, please don't leave me like this, I need you." The woman's voice is desperate. 

"Bohai....please." She begs; there is no response.

"Mother, what happened to father?" The child asks.

"He was tired, sweetheart. He is taking a little nap." the woman lies.

A few seconds pass, and Wangji hears someone sob. 'I failed to save him.' Wangji realizes just before getting dragged again. 

"Xian, your Jun is heavy, son." The woman mutters between sobs, and Wangji wonders if he had heard right. Had the woman mentioned Xian?  

"Jun, come find him sooner this time." He hears the woman request. 

Wangji knows these words. He tries to move with all the strength he can muster, but he fails. His whole body feels like it's being crushed, and he loses conciseness. 





When Wangji opens his eyes, he finds himself in his room with Xian next to him as usual.

He sits up, feeling completely fine.

"YiJun, how are you feeling?" Shen, who is sitting next to the bed, asks in a concerned tone.

"Uncle, how did I get here?" He asks, looking at his surroundings.

"The receptionist at our office informed me that a heavily pregnant woman dropped you off at our office." Shen pauses and looks at his nephew's pained expression, "She told the receptionist that you had been in an accident and the culprit ran away."

When Shen doesn't continue, Wangji asks, "What happened to the woman?"

Shen takes a deep breath, "The receptionist thought that the woman was lying and wanted to detain her, so she called security. But somehow, the woman escaped."

Even before Shen finishes, YiJun gets off the bed.

"YiJun," Shen stops his nephew, "What's wrong?"

"She saved me, uncle. I think she lost her husband too. She has Bai blood. That night, the night creatures were attacking her and her family. She is not safe. She called me Jun. I need to protect her." He answers, walking out the door.

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