Part 4 :- To 'Have' and To 'Hold'

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Xian clings to YiJun on their way back to the palace. After walking for a few minutes, they arrive at the market again, and Xian starts walking slower.

"Xian, are you feeling alright?"


YiJun watches as the younger boy starts looking around the market once again and asks, "Xian, has something finally caught your eye?"

Xian looks at YiJun, and heat rises to his cheeks. "I want... I want a pendant." Xian blurts out and looks away from YiJun.

"Ok." YiJun looks around and spots a stall selling pendants. He walks him to it and asks the younger boy to chose from the pieces on display.

Xian tugs at YiJun's sleeve, making YiJun bend a little before whispering in his ears, "Jun, remember the shell I picked up...I want to change it to a pendant."

YiJun is surprised at the request. He apologizes to the stall owner and hands him a few coins, "Thank you for your time. But you don't have what I am looking for." 

Xian's face falls, he pouts, "Jun is mean. You didn't even ask him." the younger boy cribs, and YiJun smirks, "If I am mean, why is Xian holding me so tightly?"

Xian blinks, 'That is true. Why am I holding on to Jun like this?" 

"It's my day, and I will do what I want." the younger boy says, fringing mock anger. Then all of a sudden, they look at each other and burst out laughing. 

YiJun looks around and drags them to a food stall, "I am hungry. Let us eat before going back." 

Xian smiles happily and nods. The boys enjoy their meal and head over to the palace. When they reach the palace, it's already dark. YiJun feels excited and something else... something he has never felt before. He wants Xian to remember what he had asked for at the beach, 'Take me back. I want to hold you and sleep.' YiJun's heart starts racing at the thought of holding Xian as the two boys make their way to YiJun's chamber. 

"What do you want to do now?" YiJun asks when Xian enters the room, but doesn't go any further. For a few moments, none of them moves, then, Xian turns and walks towards the door again. 

'He is leaving... Maybe he was just scared then and said tho... ' YiJun reasons, but his thoughts are interrupted when instead of walking out the door, Xian closes and locks it.

When he turns back to face YiJun, his face is completely flushed, and his breathing is labored.

When Xian keeps standing there, staring at YiJun for a few seconds, the older boy gets worried and walks towards him, "Xian, are you feeling... "

But before YiJun can say anything else, Xian runs towards him, throws his arms around his neck, and hugs him tightly. 

"Xian, what's wrong?" YiJun asks, returning the embrace.

Xian's body trembles, "Don't ever leave me."

YiJun removes Xian's arms from around his neck, "Xian, what's the matter? Why are you crying?"

Xian's hand moves to his chest, "Jun, I think something is wrong with me. I feel..."

YiJun's eyes widen in fear. He picks up Xian and carries him to his bed, "Stay here. I will get the physician."

"No." Xian holds YiJun wrist, "Don't leave me."

YiJun sits next to him, "Xian, whatever it is, I promise I will take care of it."

Xian shakes his head, "No, you will think I am strange. You will hate me."

YiJun smiles affectionately and cups Xian's face within his palms, "Jun can never hate Xian. You said it yourself: I am yours. So how can I hate you?"

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