A Promise

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{Note:- Highly Mature content. Will mark it with A/N at the start and end}

The Past

The morning comes, and YiJun knows he has to leave Xian and go back to his home; to his responsibilities.

"Xian, how come today you didn't leave our bed to go watch your beloved dawn?" YiJun cups his lovers face and kisses him softly.

"From this day forward, you are my dawn. Whenever I see you, it will be dawn." Xian says as a tear rolls down his face.

YiJun pulls Xian closer.

"Don't." YiJun wipes away the wayward tear and kisses the younger man's cheek. "If I am your dawn, then you are my dusk, and like there can never be one, without the other, I can never be without you, Xian. Stay strong, my love. I will find a way for us to be together. I promise."

"I believe you, Jun. But if you ever think of breaking up with me, remember that I will leave you for good." Xian says, roughly kissing his lover.

When he finally breaks the kiss, YiJun's hand is already undoing Xian's lower garments.

{A/N for content}

"I will never let you go," YiJun says, wrapping his fingers around his lover's shaft. 

As he starts stroking, low moans start leaving Xian's mouth. His words take the form of broken sentences. "What.... what if I leave you?...Jun.. Ah!"

"Then, I will find a way to keep you by my side by all means possible!" YiJun says as his hands start moving faster, and he once again starts biting and sucking all over the younger man's body.

Xian thrusts his hips, up offering more of himself to YiJun. YiJun increases the speed, and Xian cums on his palm with a loud moan. 

Even before he has come down from his high, Xian pants, "Jun, please. I need you now. AH!"

Even before Xian finishes his request, YiJun's finger enters him.

"More!" Xian pants, and his hands travel to YiJun's sash, and within seconds he pushes YiJun's garments to his knees and starts stroking him.

"Ahhh... A Xian!" YiJun moans softly, losing his composure and at once thrusting two more fingers into Xian. He starts moving them in and out slowly, stretching and scissoring the tight muscles, preparing Xian.

"Ahh... Jun.. Ah. Faster. Please." Xian pants near YiJun's ears, stroking his lover faster. He bites the nape of YiJun's neck, drawing a gasp from the older man.

Xian smiles at the dumbfounded way his lover stares at him.

"Jun, I have teeth too, you know. And I have decided to mark you as mine today. JUN!" A broken moan leaves Xian, when without warning, YiJun enters him.

 "Sorry, I couldn't control anymore," YiJun says, his ears turning a light shade of red.

"It's fine... Move... Now." Xian orders, thrusting his hips up, taking more of YiJun inside him.

YiJun starts moving. 

He moves slowly at first, driving Xian crazy.  

Meanwhile, Xian once again pulls YiJun close and brings their lips together. 

YiJun starts moving faster and deeper, till his length completely disappears into Xian. 

Every time he thrusts, he hits the spot, which makes his lover buck his hips up. 

Xian is hard again, and YiJun thrusts into him and strokes him at the same time. 

 It's too much all at once. 

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