Part 4 :- In 'Sickness' and In 'Health'

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Shen runs to YiJun, who looks like he is on fire. By the time Shen reaches him, the older man is in tears. He takes out his outer robes and tries to put out the fire. It doesn't help. 

He picks up YiJun, and winces as his clothes catch fire too. Ignoring pain, runs to the cottage. "Cong, it's me. Open the door." He yells. 

Cong opens the door, and together, they bring YiJun inside. Shen lays him down on the floor. Meanwhile, Cong gets jugs of water and splashes Shen. Xi Xi helps Cong put out the fire. They leave YiJun alone; they know that, if sunlight has touched him, YiJun can't be rescued.

Shen keeps yelling, "Help YiJun, help him. He must be in pain!!!" Cong ignores his words and continues to splash water on Shen's robes; Shen loses conciseness as the pain becomes unbearable. 

Cong and Xi Xi stop after the last of burning embers get extinguished before finally looking at YiJun. 

 Xi Xi gasps and looks away from the YiJun's almost naked body. Cong gets a sheet and kneels next to YiJun's body and covers the prince with a sheet; Cong checks his vitals.

"Cong, what is happening? How is he still breathing? How is he still alive when Xian is dead?"

She had not witnessed what had happened outside, but Cong had; he had peeped through the window, trying to see what was happening outside. He had failed, for it was too dark. But as soon as the sun had begun to rise, Cong had seen how YiJun was fighting off hoards of night creatures. He had seen that despite being bitten several times, YiJun had continued to fight. He had ripped and slashed the night creatures' throats and hearts, making sure that none of them could enter the dwelling where his Xian slept. YiJun had only stopped when the arrow had pierced his heart.

Cong doesn't answer Xi Xi. He looks at YiJun's chest, 'The wound has almost healed.' He observes. He checks YiJun's teeth, 'The fangs are gone.' He inspects the other wounds on the prince's arms, shoulders, and legs, 'It's like nothing happened. His skin is unmarked. Blemish free.' 

Xi Xi kneels next to her husband, "Cong, what is happening?"

"Sweetheart, did you know, our Xian could do magic... Not simple magic. The magic of our people. Your people."

"Cong, that's not possible. Magic was taken from our people. Moreover, Xian couldn't have; he was not yet of age. Even if he had magic in his blood, he wouldn't be able to channel it."

"But he did, my dear. He used it on YiJun. He did the Blood Protection spell." He informs Xi Xi.

"No. That can't be." She looks at Xian's lifeless body and runs to it. She shakes his shoulder. Her eyes are full of hope, "Xian. Son. Can you hear me? Are you still there?"

"Xi Xi, our son is gone."

"But the blood protection spell!"

"You said it yourself. Xian was not of age yet. His magic was incomplete."

"No. I can't accept that, Cong. Fix my son. Do anything." Xi Xi begs.

Cong embraces his wife, "There is nothing to be done. The most important thing to do now is to help YiJun."

Xi Xi pushes Cong away, "Why should I help him? I lost my son because of him!" She yells.

"In this lifetime and every other lifetime, YiJun and Xian are bound, Xi Xi."

"I already know that. What are you trying to say, Cong?"

"This is YiJun's first and last lifetime. If YiJun perishes now, he will never be born again. And even in death, Xian will remain incomplete. His soul will never find peace. "

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