Part 2 :- To 'Have' and To 'Hold'

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{Note:- Mild adult content in the last two or so paragraphs of the update. Readers discretion advised.}


"Mine. My Jun."

YiJun's body stiffens once again, "Xian, stop acting like that."

Xian's face falls, "Jun, you promised."

YiJun relaxes his body, 'It's only for a day. I can do this. I will make him happy.', YiJun caresses Xian's cheek, and smiles, "Sorry, I forgot." He pauses, "Can I wear my clothes now? Is Xian done looking at his Jun?"

"No. I am not." Xian says before pulling himself on YiJun's lap and burying his face in YiJun's neck, "Hold me." He orders the prince. YiJun's hands tremble as he wraps them around the younger boy.

"Jun, you feel different."

"How so?" The prince asks.

"I don't know. It feels like you are afraid to hold me." Xian removes himself from Jun's lap, "Why are you afraid to hold me, Jun? Jun, I promise, I am not sick. I am just helping the physician uncle to heal people. He is growing old. He says that I have a gift."

When Jun keeps looking at Xian, the younger boy takes the prince's hand and puts it on his forehead, "See, I don't have a fever or anything. You can touch me anywhere to check." Xian brings his face close to YiJun's, but the prince leans away, "No need to check. I believe you."

"Good. Then let's play like we used to. Please, Jun." Xian requests and YiJun sighs, "I want to... " but before he can say more, there is a knock on the door. YiJun realizes what he had almost admitted and removes Xian from his lap before getting dressed and opening the door. YiJun bows, "Father... Uncle."

"I am glad you are alright, son."

"YiJun begs for your forgiveness. Father, Uncle, I was reckless and overconfident. Please punish me."

The king opens his mouth, but before he can say anything, Xian runs to him and falls at his feet, "Xian is sorry, Your Majesty. Xian was late. Please don't punish Jun. Punish me. Jun, Jun is hurt. He has promised that he will change. He will not worry you anymore. Your Majesty, please." Xian begs.

The king smiles, "Look at me. I am not angry. I am just glad that both of you are ok." Then he looks at YiJun, "Son, if it's ok with you, I would like to appoint Xian as your confidant."

YiJun looks confused, "Father, that is not needed. Moreover, Xian is too young to... "

Xian excitedly jumps while raising his hands, "Your Majesty, I accept. By the way, what is a confidant?" He asks.

The king and his brother chuckle at the enthusiasm and devotion the boy displays. "Xian, it means that whenever Yijun is troubled, you will guide him. You will be with him anytime he needs you." The king pats Xian's head lightly and smiles.

"But father, Xian... " YiJun starts to protest again, but the king interrupts him, "YiJun, it's not a request. It's an order."

"I understand that, Father, but Xian is already getting trained under the royal physician. He says that Xian has a natural talent for it, and Xian loves it. Also, he is still too young."

"Son, I never said the Xian has to stop that. He is smart. He is capable of both: keeping you company and learning. When you are attending your classes, he will have his. And as for the matter of him being too young, I didn't say that he will start right away. We are doing this so you will have someone when to are old enough to rule. Someone who you trust and value."

'That means he will once again be next to me; close to me.' A part of YiJun feels ecstatic while the other panics. Hundreds of 'What ifs' plague his mind and heart. After contemplating for a few moments, YiJun finally nods and bows, "I accept father."

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