Part 11 :- Till 'Death' do us Part

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*Ever Night Club*

"Look into my eyes..... " Gayo whispers, catching Wangji's gaze, and Wangji stares at the red orbs. They are beautiful. They are mesmerizing. 

"You are mine now," Gayo adds, after a second; Wangji stops struggling and nods. 

Gayo pats his head, "Tell me, Lan, what is it that you are working on in your research department?"

"A drug to keep me safe forever."

"Safe? How so?"

"Unchanging, no need to feed, stay the same for eternity. Next to my love. Always toge.."

Gayo cuts him off, "And when will it be ready?"

"I have it," Wangji answers, pointing at his pant's pocket; Gayo takes it out and holds it in front of Wangji, and he nods again. 

"How come you are carrying it with you?" Gayo asks, getting curious. 

"I was going to take it. To be next to Xian."

Gayo nods. "Your lover?"

Wangji nods. 

Gayo turns Wangji's face and makes him look at Shin, "You see that beautiful girl."

Wangji nods.

Gayo continues in a silky smooth voice, "She is your master from today. You and your body belong to her." 

Wangji nods again. 

"Be good, and do whatever she tells you to do. Now, tell me, who do you belong to?"

Wangji lifts his eyes and looks at Shin; Gayo smiles, his eyes fall on something shiny under Wangji's shirt. He looks at Wangji, who is still looking at Shin, and puts his hand inside Wangji's shirt to get to the thing that had caught his eyes, but before he can touch it, Wangji growls and starts struggling once again. 

*Lan mansion*

"Xian... Xian... For the love of everything good, please wake up." Xian hears Zhau's voice in the darkness. He is floating once again. 

"Xian, you can't fucking do this to me! You said that you felt that this was going to happen. Did it mean that I was going to freaking lose you like this!!!!" Zhau yells, shaking Xian's shoulder. 

Xian winces, "Ah.. Gege?" he opens his eyes to see Zhau looming over him with a concerned, almost panicked look on his face. 

He sits up a little too fast, and his head spins, "He needs me. We need to go to him now, or it will be too late." 

Zhau supports him and helps him stand up. He knows that Xian will never agree to stay here while they go to save Wangji. Moreover, both Zhau and Shen had felt that even if they wanted to, they would not be able to stop Xian from doing what he wants. 

Zhau passes Xian his hanky, "Just tell us where."

Xian accepts it and wipes his face, "The Ever Night Club. But before that, I need to do something."

*Ever Night Club*

Gayo's eyes widen, and his face darkens. He grabs Wangji's collar, "Did you just try to stop me!?"

Wangji growls again, "Don't belong to you. Belong to her."

Gayo blinks, and a second later, lets out a humorless laugh, "I am not touching you, I just want what's around your neck."

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