The Final Reveal

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The call disconnects.

Color drains from Xian's face. "Shijie is in trouble. We need to go there now!"

XiChen nods, and Xian creates the magic portal again. The brothers step through it and find themselves in Mianmian's room.

XiChen immediately throws blue sparks at the young girl, Mianmian, and Jiang Cheng. Both fall asleep.

The bothers rush to Yanli, who is in bed. Her body is cold, and beads of sweat are dripping down her temple. She looks to be in extreme pain. Her body is trembling slightly.

XiChen puts a hand on her forehead, "Mother... " he whispers gently. Yanli's body calms down. 

"Mother... " the older Jade whispers again, and closes his eyes. Slowly, color returns to Yanli's face, and a few moments after that, she opens her eyes.

XiChen is the first person she sees. She gasps. Her eyes glisten with unshed tears; she pulls the older man in her arms, "A Chen!" She whispers, holding XiChen tighter. XiChen returns the embrace, "Mother, I missed you!" he says, in a choked voice. 

Xian's eyes widen in surprise.

Yanli let's go of the older boy and cups his face, "You did it, son."

XiChen nods, "I killed him, mother. I fulfilled the promise I made to you." he replies, tears running down his face.

Xian clears his throat.

"A Xian!" Yanli smiles and embraces Xian. She lets go of both the men and looks between them. "I guess the Xiao blood protected your magic." She says, looking at XiChen.

XiChen nods, "Yao didn't know that the Xiao magic activates when we turn nineteen. When he bound himself to me, I had just turned nineteen. He didn't know that I had magic with me all along. I tried to kill him many times over, but nothing hurt him. He healed. He kept healing." The older man recollects, shaking his head. 

He takes a deep breath, "It was then that I realized that the only way to end him was to fulfill the prophecy. Mother, it was as you had said, it was Xian."

Xian looks at the two unconscious kids in the room. "What should we tell them?"

"I am fine now. No one should know about your magic. Clear their memories. I will make some excuse and come home." Yanli suggests.

Xian opens the portal, and XiChen wipes the kids' memories before leaving Mianmian's room.

A half-hour or so later, Yanli joins the brothers at her home. The three talk of old days in Jade Palace and of the time Yanli had taken birth as Xi Xi. She fills XiChen on how she had raised YiJun, and how powerful Xian's and YiJun's bond was. Yanli remembers how she had given up her power over the wolves and sacrificed her blood, so that Xian would always be able to recall their people and have control over wolves. The three talk and bond for hours.

"No wonder Mr. Lan...Dawn was always so respectful towards me. His wolf must have sensed who I am." Yanli says, looking at Xian with a content smile on her face. 

At the mention of Wangji, Xian remembers something that he had wanted to ask XiChen, "Brother, where did you take Meng Yao's body, and why did you choose Jun to accompany you?"

XiChen smiles, "Meng Yao's body will remain unchanging. As long as it exists, I will be protected too. YiJun and I have locked his body in a storage cell belonging to Lan Pharmaceuticals. I have locked it up with magic too. Human eyes can't even find it." XiChen takes a breath before continuing, "The curse has ended. However, a part of his consciousness remains trapped in his body."

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