Part 2 :- In 'Sickness' and In 'Health'

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Shen runs out, thinking of going to Xi Xi, but stops just before he reaches his village.

"What will I say to Xi Xi? What will I tell Cong? How will I tell them that their son is dead? Once again, they have lost a loved one because of my family." He falls to his knees, "What is wrong with YiJun? Had they bonded already?" This thought scares Shen the most. He knew enough of the folktales to know that if after bonding, one dies, the other follows soon after.

"No. I can't lose YiJun. He is all I have left of my sister. Cong will know how to save him." Shen tells himself and runs to Xiao residence.

Xi Xi opens the door and comes face to face with Shen. Her eyes widen in surprise, "Shen!" She throws herself at him and hugs him tight. She lets go and pulls him inside, "Cong, look who is here! Shen is alive, Cong. Come quick." She smiles brightly at him.

When Shen doesn't return her smile, Xi Xi's face falls, "Shen...? Don't you remember me?" She asks, holding his wrist.

Shen can't hold back his tears anymore; Xi Xi was almost like a sister to him. They had grown up together and cared for her deeply.

"Shen, why are you crying?" She asks, her voice trembles. Meanwhile, Cong runs outside and hugs the broken man, before realizing that the other is crying.

Shen breaks the embrace and steps away, "Xi Xi, something terrible has happened...YiJun and Xian... "

Xi Xi frowns. She has many questions for Shen. But she asks the most worrying one, "Did you attend the wedding? Did you meet my son? Was he upset?"

Shen gulps. He holds her hand and makes her sit down, "I was held captive all these years. When I was able to escape somehow, I wanted to warn YiJun about his bride to be. Xi Xi, she is not human. She is a creature of the night."

Xi Xi lets out a gasp of fear.

"I wanted to warm YiJun, but I was too late. Then I was captured once more. Things happened. And-" Shen trails off, unable to complete his sentence.

"And what, Shen!?"

"Xian killed himself. He died in YiJun's arms.

"No." Xi Xi shrugs Shen's hand away. "You are lying. Xian can't be dead. YiJun promised to protect him. YiJun always keeps his promise." She says confidently.

Shen looks at Cong, who is looking at Shen's tears. He understands that Shen is not making this up. Cong stands speechless; tears roll down his eyes.

Shen continues, "Cong, had they bonded?" Shen knows he is being selfish and rude.


"Can you save YiJun?" Shen asks.

Cong walks over to Shen and holds his shoulders, "YiJun is alive?"


"That's not possible; they are soul-bound. If Xian is truly dead, if what you are saying is true, then either Xian is not dead, or YiJun is not alive."

"They are Soulbound?"

Xi Xi walks over to them, "Take me to him, Shen. Take me to my son. Now."

Shen knows that he shouldn't let them see YiJun or Xian now. But he knows Xi Xi won't understand.

"Ok." Shen nods.

Xi Xi reads Shen's eyes, "What are you not telling us, Shen?" She looks at Shen carefully and steps away from him, "Your wolf is awake!"

Cong shields Xi Xi, "Get away from us."

Shen had expected this. There hasn't been a wolf in the Zhu family for ages. Thus, many misconceptions had spread. The most prominent one being that the wolf is dangerous.

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