Part 9 :- Till 'Death' do us Part

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*Almost nineteen years before YiJun meets Wei Xian*

After having met Xian's doppelganger about fifty years ago, YiJun had decided that since he was someone who depended on human blood to survive, he should pay them back in some way. 

He had changed his name to Lan Wangji and had set up Lan Pharmaceuticals. Shen, however, had kept his original name.

Lan Pharmaceuticals had the largest research and development division in China; no one knew it's primary purpose, though. Since it's inception, Lan Pharmaceuticals had invented and developed new drugs to help humanity. No one had seen the actual owner of the corporation, and none of those who worked there were aware of how Lan Wangji looked.

It was an ordinary night. Wangji was working in the research lab when he felt a stabbing pain in his chest. The only thing that came to Wangji's mind was ' Xian is in danger.'

The words 'Next time, find me before it's too late.' echo in his heart, and he leaves for home. He is crossing an empty patch of road when his car breaks down. The pain in his heart intensifies. As soon as he gets out of his car, the distinct smell of night creatures assaults him; it was the first time he had smelled them in almost four hundred years. 'Why are they here? What attracted them here?' Wangji thinks, following the smell and comes across a small house after having crossed a patch of farm. 

He sees two night creatures closing in on it. He walks closer and smells something else, 'Bai blood.' His eyes widen. 'Bai blood has attracted them!' He realizes. 

Out of the two creatures, one looks completely deformed while the other looks mesmerized. Wangji doesn't understand why the night creatures were merely standing outside the house without entering it. 

Then he recalls that unlike him, who is part-night creature and part wolf, pure night creatures were incapable of entering an establishment unless invited. 

Of course, it was all hearsay. But looking at the two night creatures just standing as if waiting, proved that what he had heard was true. 

Just then, he sees a man run outside. 

'Xian?' Wangji thinks, walking closer. The man's scent hits Wangji's senses, and his eyes turn red; he is not the only one affected. The two night creatures immediately come out of the shadows and attack the man with sharp nails and slicing his thigh even before Wangji can react.

The man screams in agony and falls to the ground. But fortunately, before the creatures can do more damage, Wangji stops them.

"Go inside," Wangji orders the now bleeding man; the man starts dragging himself towards the door, but before he is completely inside, the disfigured night creature escapes Wangji's clutches with swift movements and attacks the man, slicing his throat.

"Nooooooooooo," Wangji yells, launching himself on the escaped creature and slashes its neck; the mutilated creature growls, while the other one attacks Wangji and bites his forearm, and starts growling in pain.

Meanwhile, the injured man enters his home again. 

"Close the door, and stay inside," Wangji instructs, fighting two creatures at once.

Now that one of the creatures had stopped attacking, Wangji shifts his focus to the mutilated one. He holds it by its shoulder and lifts his hand to strike a final blow, when a sword pierces his back. He howls and falls on the floor. 

Wangji turns to look at his attacker, but his eyes only see a retreating back; it's a man clothed in blue robes. 

He struggles to stand up, but finds that he is incapable. The sword, Wangji realizes, was laced with silver, which was now spreading through his body, making it impossible for him to move.

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