Chapter 5 - My Little Angel

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Four months have gone by, Negan is still rotting away in a cell unknown to him that Jack is 9 months pregnant and soon ready to give birth. The girl is heavily blown up by now, even though she is convinced that the baby is going to be little, she prepares for childbirth. She has no idea when she will go into labor, but due to the pain she has been in lately she could go into labor at any time now so she has to take it easy in the activities she does.

Jack has been surviving inside the cabin for the past four months since she left Hilltop, keeping food and supplies as little as she could but things have become scarce. The fact that she can hardly maneuver around her belly anymore has been proven difficult, but she keeps going. Jack moves off the small bed, and grabs something to eat but winds up throwing it up since she has been sick, and her back has been hurting, due to the size of her belly. Jack is huge at this point and it is almost unbearable, to the point where she can't walk.

She needs protein in the worse way, so Jack needs to hunt, or find some more fish. The weather has gotten hot as it now summer again she assumes it's at least June by now, and this baby is due soon. Searching the woods, Jack climbs into the car she hardly uses as she saves the gas, for a time when she needs to get away she has it.

Jack sits inside the car for a while rubbing her large belly, as she can feel her baby moving down as he or she has dropped significantly in the past few days. When her mom had taught her about pregnancy, Jack is prepared to use what she knows to deliver her baby and she knows how painful it's going to be, but at this point she wants this baby out of her. There is so much anxiety right now, that is works her up to the point where she cries, her emotions are all over the place. But she has to do this to bring her baby girl or boy into the world and she is anxious to meet him or her.

Jack falls asleep inside the car, but her stomach growling wakes her up so she gets out and it's late afternoon so dinner is upon her. Starting up a fire, Jack lays a fish down inside a pan to cook, and she grows hungrier by the minute as the small fish cooks. By the time it's done she sits down to enjoy it and it fills her stomach just enough and she feels better. After cleaning up, Jack waddles over and picks up her guitar and relaxes, taking deep breaths.

Deciding to sing, Jack plays a few lines of the song but she feels sleepy so she passes out, dropping her guitar in the process. A nightmare wakes her up, and it's now dark outside, so Jack goes to relieve herself outside since the toilet inside doesn't work anymore, but some walkers find her and she has no weapons. This is very unusual that they are around the cabin, and Jack has to make a run for it back holding her large belly but she stops to take a breath, a warm, liquid runs down her legs followed by a major cramp in her abdomen.

"Ahhh fuck" she cries out, she knows that her water just broke and she is going into labor, at a really bad time. Jack feels more contractions as the walkers hear her and surround her as she leans against the tree, screaming in pain. Darting towards the cabin, it is also surrounded so Jack has no choice but to dart towards the next closest thing which is the car. She makes it in and they surround her, barricading her in there.

The contractions deepen, the sharp, horrible pain that radiates down her back. She reclines the seat and leans back, holding her belly. Trying to remove her pants, it proves difficult due to the little room she has, so she moves to lay across the backseat on her back. Jack takes a few deep breaths, breathing through each painful contraction, and she times them, counting every inching second. Right about now they are 4 minutes apart, from the way she is counting them, and every cramp gets worse, making her cry out. She slams her hands against the seat, as every contraction deepens in pain, but Jack has to be strong right now, the things going on outside the car is not important.

Her baby is coming and quick, Jack pulls off her pants and her panties, to check her dilation. She knows how to check, and from what she can tell she is only 4 centimeters, so she has a long way to go and it's only the middle of the night. As the pain rips through her body, Jack is sweaty and hot and she feels sick to her stomach. The only thing keeping her alive right now is her baby, but she also has the feeling like she can die from this, but she has so much hope that her little bean is going to be here soon and that keeps her alive at the moment.

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