Chapter 29 - Here With Me

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After taking care of their sons diaper rash, Negan is now getting ready to head out for the day to his wifes dismay. She practically begs him not to leave, but even Jack knows he has to go for the greater good. But still everytime she watches the love of her life go out that door, it could be the last time she sees him. Jack wishes so much that Negan can stay here with her, but he needs to do this, go out and try to find supplies for them and Theo. Lately though it has been harder to scavenge, but Negan being resourceful as he can be sometimes finds things after searching for hours on end. It's now early morning and Jack helps Negan prepare to leave and it is hurting her heart, but she has total confidence that he will be okay, he is still Negan after all, he can fight off some walkers still.

Getting dressed, he can sense that Jack is weary and nervous for him to leave but he assures her things will be okay. He takes a deep breath while putting his shirt and pants on, Jack is standing beside him holding onto their tiny son. The baby makes noise while sucking on his thumb, something new he has started to do and it's really cute to them. He is quite the character anymore, some things he does is cute, and funny so now he is getting bigger and doing more. Theo has become more hands on, even faintly holding the small elephant toy Jack has named Tiny. The baby loves it, just a simple little plush toy is very amusing to the baby.

Negan grabs Lucille, and now it's time to leave and Jack wants to cry but she stays strong for herself and Theo. The woman gives him the stay look and Negan being himself just has to make a smart comment to make her laugh, but right now this is not funny at all.

"Jack come on baby, i do this two times a week it's nothing new i mean are your hormones out of wack because of that awesome fuck session we had?" He laughs and Jack uses her open hand to smack his arm and she wipes her tears away while laughing just a little. "Your man's got this shit in the bag sweetheart, believe me i still have fucking got it ain't no fucker out the gonna bring me down so i'm coming back to you i fucking promise baby, just sit tight and i will come back later tonight, i swear on my ballsack"

"You better fucking come back or i will personally come out and kill you myself" Jack makes a joke and both of them make light of the shitty situation by sharing laughs and kisses. Negan kisses his sons head.

"Hey little guy daddies coming back with some stuff for you and mommy you be good for me okay" he holds Theo and the baby coos at him, kicking his legs as he kisses his head again before handing him back to Jack. He sighs deeply, and turns to leave the room with her right behind him. She walks him out, and watches as he walks out the door and her heart drops down her chest, to the point she almost feels sick. But Theo is with her and she is never alone anymore so now for some quality time with her baby boy to get her mind off of Negan while he risks his life for her time and time again, and she is rather worried actually beyond worried but her cute baby keeps her mind at ease.

Jack enters the room where they stay at and she lays a blanket down on the floor, there is also a small carpet beneath it for Theo to lay down on. She crawls onto the floor placing Theo on his belly and she lays beside him as he tries to grab Tiny by his side. Jack hovers above her baby, and he smiles at her she tickles him lightly causing him to make little grunts and giggles. It's so adorable, so Jack moves down to his chubby legs and she pokes at his feet, looking at the way his little toes curl up. The mom bends down talking to Theo. "I'm gonna eat your toes, yeah mommies got your toes Theo"

The girl is so in love and happy, everything that Theo does is the first time for it, and now she places him back on his belly and he is slowly trying to lift his head but fails, this is mostly just tummy time and Theo is always pretty comfy like this and Jack is there with him all the time to make sure he is safe. Jack realizes since Theo is calm and quiet, she can grab her guitar and play a little tune for him not that he can hear better and usually he loves when his mama sings or play little music, it's rather soothing for him and it puts him to sleep most times. Grabbing her guitar, Jack sits down beside him while he is on his back now.

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