Chapter 38 - Downfall

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Everything has been going so well inside the place Jack and Negan have called home, and they feel as safe as they can living there, taking care of their baby boy Theo. But as they finished their breakfast consisting of oranges and some oatmeal Negan had attempted to make earlier, Jack hears a loud bang coming from the hallway. The room they stay in has a door, but right now it has been left open and everything can be heard. Negan hears it too, as the banging gets louder and closer together like something is breaking in, or it could possibly be the wind. That is what they're both hoping for and it's not anything else.

Negan had closed the door but the lock had been broken off from before, so it only closes and he puts a large heavy cabinet to barricade it. The man knows that it's not safe enough but there isn't much else he can do to keep his family safe. In this world there is only so much that can be done and no matter where Negan takes his wife and son it might not ever be safe but he always tries his best to makes sure they stay alive and safe. Both of them are really worried now as the noise does not stop, and it seems to be more constant and it for sure is something either outside the door or breaking it down to get in.

Theo wakes up and he cries pretty loud which is not good right now because someone or something making that sound could hear him and Negan has tried to keep them hidden inside the building the best he can so no one can really know they are inside there to begin with. Jack hurries over and leans down to put a pacifier in Theo's mouth, she recently started to use them for him since he seems to like them, and it helps him stay occupied. He spits it out and screams, tears rolling down his chubby face, and another bang scares Jack so bad she jumps up and now it's serious.

Something is inside it sounds like, Negan grabs Lucille and goes to investigate. "Baby please stay here and get down for me, I just need to check it out and see what it is and want you to get down behind the couch and stay quiet okay baby?" Jack nods her head and she is so scared for Negan, for her and Theo. What ever this is can not be good and she watches Negan cautiously head out the door he walks slow and Jack gets down on the floor next to Theo inside his basket. She tries to keep him quiet and for now she doesn't want to pick him up in case something happens and he can get hurt if she has him out. She keeps him calm by holding his tiny fingers in her hand, and she happens to put his pacy back in his mouth and this time he keeps it there which keeps him from crying.

In the dark hallway, Negan walks very slow towards the door and the loud noise has since calmed a little bit there is still something there and making chills go down the mans spine. Preparing for anything to happen, Negan raises his bat Lucille, ready to strike at anything and this is just to be safe because he is hoping it's just the wind blowing the door, and nothing else. He continues to walk slowly and turns the corner to see that the door is open and small bits of light are poking through and the wind can be heard. He begins to think that maybe it blew the door open and knocked something over. Jack keeps calm and waits for Negan to come back into the room and she hasn't even heard any noise yet which worries her.

Realizing there is nothing there, Negan heads to the door to close it and next thing that happens shocks him and he has hardly any time to react. A few walkers come through the door and some come from behind him, meaning that they were already inside, and Theo crying loudly causes some of them to turn that way and Negan drops his bat and gets pinned to the floor, so he has no time to stop them from going down the hall to the source of baby crying and they reach the door. Jack is too busy trying to keep Theo quiet and calm she has no idea that walkers are entering the room, and they sneak up on her and Jack screams and bends over to keep them from getting her baby.

Jack picks up the basket with a crying Theo inside of it and she darts towards the door, but it's blocked with two ugly looking walkers that snap at her and she puts Theo's basket up on the counter and grabs her knife to kill them, Jack stabs one on the arm and tackles it and then she stabs it in the head numerous times while the others are around her. One knocks her over and she can hear Negan outside the door yelling and cussing, and she panics that more are coming inside the warehouse now that there is a lot of noise which is attracting them to come in. "Oh you ugly fucking assholes, I will not let you get my wife and my baby, get the fuck off me"

"Negan!!!Help me" Jack screams for help after hearing Negan outside the door and he is tied up and wishes so badly that he can help her, and he tries so hard going into a rage and kills the walkers super fast so he can help her. But Jack has to kill the group of them with her knife but when one grabs her arm, the knife flies out of her hand and slide across the floor underneath the couch, and Jack knows now that this is not good. There is nothing left to do but try her best to fight them off, and Theo's crying keeps her going right now and Negan also keeps fighting as the couple is overrun with a herd of dead that have trapped them inside the place they have called home.

Jack is pretty much defenseless now without a weapon and when the walkers start moving towards Theo she goes into protective mommy mode and now it's time to kill as the get near her baby, Jack looks around for something to use not having any time at all to look for the knife she runs and grabs her beautiful, and beloved guitar and this breaks her heart to do this but it's this or they kill her baby boy. Jack smashes her other baby over the head of one and it cracks, she smashes it again till the brain splatters out and the blood pools beneath it.

The other three of them turn around and go right for her so she kills all of them and by that time the once beautiful brown guitars is smashed and destroyed. Negan comes into the room covered in blood and Lucille drips on the floor her wires and handle have dark gooey blood covering her. Jack is so out of breath and crying after risking her life just now to save her baby and her and Negan both side by side finish the rest off. Negan uses Lucille and Jack stays behind him and it gives them a window to get out of the warehouse and once again they have to leave this place behind. They realized that now that walkers have found them it's not safe to stay here anymore and Jack cries her eyes out looking at her guitar, which has since been destroyed, there is nothing really left of it and it makes her so sad.

"I'm so sorry baby, I really fucking am I know how much you loved this and damn I don't even know what to say to make you feel better" Negan pulls her into his chest and she wraps her arms around him, tightly crying into his chest and he rubs his hands down her back. Jack mumbles something and he can't seem to understand her. "What was that baby girl?"

"They were...gonna kill Theo I had... I had no choice I lost my knife and they almost killed our baby I had to do it and use it I just grabbed it and killed them, I.....Jack had to stop talking to wipe her tears but more form in her eyes and Negan feels so bad for her and he really is still so unsure what to even say to her. "It breaks my heart but I couldn't let them kill Theo, it was the guitar being okay or Theo dying" Negan wants to cry too, he had gotten her that guitar but their son means so much more to both of them then that and it was worth it for the sweet baby who is okay and no harm came even close to him.

Theo is very lucky to have both Jack and Negan as parents because they love him so much and Jack just broke her beloved guitar for him, and Negan also thinks as he looks down to his bat that even Lucille would never mean that much to him, because he would break Lucille to save his sons life or even if he had too for Jack. "Come on baby we got to get out of here I think there is more outside and we can't be safe in here anymore, we got to pack quick and get out okay I got the shit over here and then we gotta fucking hurry and get the fuck out" Jack agrees and quickly packs up the bag with Theo's baby stuff making sure to get everything inside.

Negan hurries and gets the food and covers, etc. and they rush out to the car and pack it up quick as more walkers head towards them and Jack gets in the car with Theo inside his basket yet and Negan goes back in to make sure they had gotten everything out and now here they are again, being forced to leave this once secure home to be on the road again and neither one of them are happy about this but they can't take the chance in staying here and being killed by the walking dead. Jack watches as the dead get closer to the car and Negan rushes out and gets in the car as they now get surrounded.

"Negan just go, get us out of here please" she pleads with him to just go and that is what he does, he presses the gas peddle and speeds away, running over some dead that splatter up the windshield and it causes the tires to run over the bodies and the open road comes into view again and this time, it is like the start all over again. Negan drives until they are far enough away and there is nothing even remotely around the car or area they happen to be in now and he turns the car off so that he can take a rest and relax while Jack reaches back to cradle their crying son.

"I can't fucking believe this happened, Negan what are we going to do now like it's getting to cold out and now we are living in the car again, I just I am freaking the fuck out and oh my gosh I just don't know what to even do or say right now I am sorry baby" Jack is angry and upset her mind is so full of emotions and she doesn't mean to take it out on Negan. Although he is angry too he is sure that things will be okay as long as they are all together and the only thing to hope for now is a new start for them.

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