Chapter 9 - On The Run

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Those words he just heard, ring through Negan's ears as his beautiful wife stands before him after over six months of being apart. He just got the news that she delivered a healthy baby boy, and he is almost in tears learning that he has a son, Negan is more than happy and now he has the chance to meet him, after having that dreadful feeling that he never thought he would.

Standing before Negan, Jack cries her eyes out as he holds her small body close to his tall frame, and he is not letting her go at the moment. They both just want to embrace in each others arms, just to make sure that it's real, and their warmth of their bodies comforts the both of them.

"Jack, i love you so fucking much baby you have no idea how long i have waited for this, to see you again. Here i thought i was dreaming, but you're really here and i have a son, i just wow this is so fucking amazing" Negan says as he holds her by the waist, looking down to her eyes. "Please tell me about him, about our baby boy?" Jack can't help but choke, as she cries but she wipes her tears away to speak up.

The girl is in so much shock as she has to sit down on his cot, to take a breath and Negan sits beside her. "He is beautiful, Negan. His name is Theo, he is very little, which you were right all along to call him little bean" she giggles as he listens to her intensely, every word is joy to his ears hearing about his newborn son.

"Theo, is his name?" Negan questions, and Jack shakes her head yes. "I love it baby, it's perfect" he says with lots of confidence and Jack feels so happy that he loves the name, because she does too. It really is perfect for him.

"He uh, he looks just like you and he is such a good little baby, i sing to him and he smiles not much but he does. He tries to grabs my hair when i feed him, and the fact that our baby boy is so fucking adorable makes me cry, i fell so in love with him right when i gave birth, it was love at first sight. I guess kind of how it was for us" Jack giggles, and she thinks back on when they met, she was instantly in love with Negan, and now here she is over 12 years later, she has a son with him, and now they can escape together and live but they will have to on the run.

"You're so fuckin' amazing baby come here" Negan lifts her across his lap as they kiss heavily, but she has to stop him, realizing the window of opportunity will close soon for them to escape Alexandria and she can't be away from Theo that long.

"Negan, we have to go" she says between kisses. "Baby, i missed you so fucking much believe me, but we will have all the time in the world to catch up when we get the fuck out of here" Jack steps off his lap and looks around his cell as Negan also stands up. He is more than ready to leave this shit hole behind, and he is more excited to meet his son for the first time, it's making him tear up.

"I'm gonna meet my son?"

"Of course baby, he will love you" Jack opens the cell door, and waits for Negan to collect himself. "I can't be away from him to long, Laura is watching him outside the gate, in the car i have packed up. It's full of a shit load of stuff for both of us and all of Theo's stuff. And i'm sure he is cranky by now, and not only that my boobs really fucking hurt when i don't feed him" Jack is in a bit of a hurry to return to her baby, but she is happy that Negan will be with her this time around, and the fact that he will meet Theo is making her feel really happy, and a little sad but it's a good sad.

"Well what are we fuckin' waiting for then, lets get the fuck out of here, baby so we can do some catching up" he says with a tone, and Jack has to break the news to him that they can't make up just yet, Negan will have to keep his dick inside his pants for another 5 weeks till she is healed up, because having a baby wears down the body, and Jack had a hard time getting Theo out, so she is a little ripped and sore down there.

"Okay, just let me check before we go out i want to make sure they didn't hear us i mean if we get caught i know for sure we would be killed, and Theo needs both of us, so please Negan wait here, i have my gun. I will yell down to you when i check over" Negan kisses her and gives her a reassuring nod before Jack walks up those stairs to make sure the coast is clear before Negan is set free, and she will make damn sure it's for good.

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