Chapter 59 - Miracles

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After hours and hours of hard labor, Jack gives birth to her second child and Negan was here this time to see the whole thing and he is in shock and tears at what has just happened. He didn't even take any time to see what the gender was, he just wanted Jack to be the first one to know and see this new baby. Jack cradles the just born baby close to her chest, right under her chin and Negan composed himself and stands back up by her side.

"Negan, our baby is here, let me see" Jack lifts the tiny babies legs and what she sees, is the miracle she has been hoping for. The girl is such a crying mess and now she is even worse, before her eyes and Negan's they notice that their new baby is a amazingly beautiful baby girl. "Oh my god, Negan look it's a girl, our baby girl" Negan is a crying mess too, he has a daughter now, the little girl he has always dreamed of and now their family is perfect. A boy and a girl, that is all they need and wanted in both of their lives and Jack is crying so much she is just taking it all in and loving her baby girl so much already.

"She's so beautiful, look at her" Jack stares at her and the babies tiny eyes open slightly and immediately Negan takes notice that the baby girl looks like Jack besides the lighter hair and she's definitely all Jack, a little tiny mini of her mama. "She looks just like me, I can't believe this Negan she's just, my gosh our miracle baby girl" Jack feels good enough to start thinking of some names for her. Neither one of them wanted to think of names until they saw him or her and now that it's a girl, Jack knows of the most amazing and best name for her newborn daughter.

She discusses the name with Negan and he agrees. "Hi Iris, you are so beautiful baby girl and we love you" Jack delivers the placenta and Negan, with his wife's help cuts the cord, and he is finally gonna get to hold his daughter for the very first time and he is in tears. Never in his life has he seen anything as beautiful as this and Jack did such a good job, she is truly his warrior and he is beyond proud of her for everything she has done and overcome. Jack is still in a ton of pain, Theo is still asleep for now that is until he wakes up and wants Jack. But for now both of them just sit on the bed next to one another, Jack wants to try and feed Iris before handing her over to Negan for the first time he is going to hold her.

"Babe, look at how amazing she is I got her to latch right away and my gosh look at her tiny fingers, just look at this how she is holding onto my finger" Iris is already doing so good with breastfeeding and Jack is nowhere near prepared to even get out of the bed yet, her legs are covered in some blood and she is nearly numb but it's all worth it right now just to see her baby girl, alive and well.

"She is so fucking perfect baby, you did amazing" Negan kisses Jack's head also leaning down to kiss his daughters head too. "And she looks just like her mama, so beautiful and pure and she is healthy" Jack thinks about how Iris is actually perfect in her size for being a premature, she is a little smaller than Theo was, but she is still perfect and such a little miracle.

"Here, you're about to hold her for the first time are you ready for this?"

"Hell to the yeah of course" Negan smirks and just as he goes to take his daughter the early morning sun shines into the windows, and Jack yawns from being so tired. Being up all night in labor has tired her out so much as soon as Negan has baby Iris in his arms, Jack passes out and she needs it so Negan takes the baby out of the room and walks down the hall to see Theo who is just waking up too. The infant cries to be let out of his crib, since Iris is only tiny, Jack has decided to let Theo have the crib for now and Iris is gonna sleep in the basket beside their bed until they can figure something else out. "Hey little man, I know you're too young to know what's going on but this is your little sister" Negan shows off tiny Iris to her brother and he is not having any of it, he just wants Jack.

"Alright, alright Theo I know you want mama let me go and set her down and we can go see mommy okay?" The dad places the just born baby girl into her basket for now after dressing her in a diaper and Jack is still sleeping so he is gonna let her rest, that is until Theo wakes her up. "Okay, Theo lets see mommy" he takes the baby down the hall into their room, and Jack is slightly awake, wincing in some pain since she has been bed ridden for the past few hours since giving birth.

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