Chapter 13 - Memories

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Thoughts of the past roll through the minds of Jack and the former leader of the saviors as their old home is now in view. Negan has been back here recently, but Jack has not seen the sanctuary since she was here shortly after Negan's defeat. At that time people were still living here, under Daryl's leadership, and now it's a sad wasteland. Jack moves out of her seat to place Theo down, as Negan gets out and takes a deep sigh. Everything is coming back to him, the fact that they can't ever go back to their lives the way they were before, and now they have to move on from all of this.

The saviors have to be erased from his mind for good, which is okay because he has Jack and Theo and they are all that matters now. But he has some tricks up his sleeves inside here, things he has left behind but now he needs them. The whole point of this trip is to get what they want out of here and then move on, maybe south of here or farther up past DC. The fate is most definitely uncertain at this point. Jack folds her arms and looks up to the now decrepit factory that was once lively and home to her. Somehow she thinks about it all and how it will always be home to her no matter how far away they stray from here.

Negan makes sure the coast is clear before they enter the eerie factory. "Okay baby, we got to make this shit quick and clean before dead fuckers find us or worse than them those assholes from Alexandria because i know for a fucking fact this is the first place they will look for us" Negan explains the plan to get in and out with ease before they can be found. Jack agrees, she is very curious as to what the inside looks like now, but she is nervous to remember the moments they had spent together.

It's all coming back to her now, all of their intimate moments they had, one of which created their amazing beautiful baby boy. She has no regrets of anything, in fact she feels herself missing his touch, his fingers on her skin and inside her. This is actually killing her now thinking about having sex again, but they have to wait and that is making her angry. If she could, she would ask Negan to fuck her now but it can't happen just yet. But she wants it to be special nonetheless, since they haven't been intimate for months and since she had Theo her body might look different to him now.

Negan takes notice of Jack and she is definitely having an intense day dream which concerns him some but he snaps her out of it with a slight cough. Jack looks to him and regains herself, realizing that Theo is now awake but not crying quite yet for her. The girl reaches inside the car and lifts the tiny baby up into her arms as Negan makes his way towards the doors that lead inside. Jack keeps hold of Theo as she follows him near the entrance. All the things that could have been, now enter her thoughts but it's over and it has been over for a while now. Those double doors open and creak sending chills down her spine, but Jack gets past it and walks in slowly behind Negan, holding her baby close to her.

Jack had made a wrap to keep him in, made from a thick sheet, so she can cradle him inside the sheet wrapped around her shoulder. She looks around and takes notice of the empty blue level which was also considered the main floor where the workers were. There is nothing but junk sprawled out on the floors, puddles of water also litter the empty concrete floor. Negan whistles like he used to for a laugh, and it echoes throughout the empty factory. This is a sad moment, Jack looks back to how full of life this place was and this is the first place she felt safe at since she lost her home back at her hometown.

Negan saved her and brought her back here. She made this her home and from the memories of it she loved being here, but now it's all gone. This place is a eerie shithole now, but it's time to say goodbye now and live on with nothing but the memories. "Wow, my heart is breaking in half right now" Jack says through some tears, but she holds herself together the best she can while Negan moves closer to her noticing Theo as he is very content laying against his mama.

"Yeah i'm sorry baby, i didn't want you to see this but it's just fucking sad, our home is like this and it's so fucked up" Negan makes a comment about the fate of his once live home but now it's just hard to see it like this and he can see how phased Jack is by this. He tries to hustle along so they can leave and get back on the road but he has to find what he is most concerned about. Back then before he was defeated, Negan had found a ring, a engagement ring for Jack and he had hidden it inside their room so she wouldn't find it.

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