Chapter 61 - Long Nights

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Newborn baby cries awaken Jack first because it's the hungry cry that Iris is making so that is the moms cue to feed the baby girl before she screams louder. Negan also stirs awake too, making sure that his girls are okay, he thinks about how now that Theo sleeps all night long it's a good thing, but now Iris is in full on crying mode. He looks over to see Jack sitting in the rocking chair he found her in the basement and she loves it to just sit with her baby girl, to hum and sing to her, and feeding her is also just nice and relaxing on the chair. He can see that Iris is having a hard time latching onto the nipple, so he gets up to assist Jack because she is tired and trying so hard.

"She is being so fussy, ugh" the girl keeps her cool knowing that it's not the babies fault, she is just cranky.

"Here baby, let me try and help" Negan has no idea, but he tries his best to help out. "I guess maybe hold her the other way and try the other boob and see if she likes that position better, she's a little big so maybe she's just uncomfortable being held that way" he gently lifts Iris out of Jack's arms and turns her around the other way to her left breast, and the babies mouth finds her nipple and she sucks away at ease which causes Jack to let out a huge sigh, Negan is such a big helper always.

"Thanks babe, I had no idea what to do this is the first time she has given me trouble, I mean she is only a day old but still now I know that she likes this boob better and she's fussy about being held a certain way" she smiles and looks down to her little princess, her eyes are just slightly opening and closing, and they're so beautiful. Big and blue eyes on such a pretty baby girl and Jack's at a loss for words on how amazed she is by this baby girl she now has in her life. "Maybe we should see if she will take that formula we have, because I don't how much milk she is gonna get out of me, I'm really worried my supply is like going down and she won't be eating enough" Jack frowns, and she has a bad feeling in her gut about her milk supply.

"If you want to, it's worth a shot we have those bottles too so let me go see and then I guess, I don't really know how to make a bottle you might have to show me" Jack gets off the bed, it's the middle of the night and she goes down the steps with Iris in her arms securely and Negan by her side. They reach the kitchen and Jack takes a seat, trying to relax, and Negan gets out the bottle and can of powdered milk, he reads over the instructions and also checks the powder and it's still good yet. "Alright well, it says two scoops to this much water, so let me boil this water and then go from there"

Negan heats up the water and waits patiently for it to warm up and the bottle gets made and checked by Jack to make sure it's warm enough. "Okay babe, it's good so do you want to try first and see if she takes it?" Negan agrees and takes Iris into his arms with the bottle, and she starts to eat the formula, but stops and cries after a minute. She didn't eat much of it and now she is just really unhappy, and neither one of the parents know what to do to help.

"Wow she doesn't want this either, i don't even know what to do baby, she is been crying almost all night and now she don't want to eat at all" the frustration is showing in both of them and tiredness is starting to take some affect on Jack, she feels so bad for a her crying baby girl and not knowing what is wrong is upsetting her.

"I know babe, I guess we can just try and soothe her and then I can keep trying to get her to eat but she hasn't slept in hours now" Jack is once again holding Iris and she is crying but not as bad, she looks down into her babies eyes and wishes she could help her, but it's hard to tell now.

"Shh it's okay princess, I know you don't feel good and mommy wishes she could help you" after minutes of pacing around the kitchen trying again for her to eat, Iris's tiny eyes flutter open and close so she is finally relaxing and she might fall asleep which is gonna be a blessing. It has been so many long hours since the baby girl woke up and Jack is so tired, so now that she has finally passed out it's time for her and Negan to get some rest as well.

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