Chapter 32 - Taken

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Now that he has returned to his wife and baby boy, all that is left to do now is get some rest, and Negan is feeling rather tired and wants to get some well needed rest. Jack is sleeping so peacefully and she looks to be very cozy and warm, with Theo laying on her chest. Negan takes in the adorable sight and it's honestly melting his once fairly cold heart, making him feel mushy inside, and once upon a time Lucille never made him feel the way she does. Negan loved that woman so much, but she could be cold and rather nasty to him sometimes, and they would fight about the dumbest things, and Negan would cheat on her before and after she got sick.

He felt like the worlds biggest asshole and then when Lucille died and the world ended, Negan had made the promise to himself that if he ever found another woman to love he would take care of her and love her unconditionally, and he has kept that promise for Jack. Thinking about the past is kind of something the man doesn't want to dwell on anymore, what he has now is all he is ever going to need again, so now Negan is going to forget and move on. After he had killed Brandon on his adventure, Negan is covered in some blood and he doesn't want Jack to know or find out about any of it so he goes to wash up, and then he climbs onto the couch to cuddle with his family.

Throughout the night, Negan has a hard time sleeping and he has no clue why. Everything that has been going on since he came across Brandon and back when those wackos took Jack and Theo, it all seems to odd to Negan and he is worried this is not over. He tosses around and winds up just getting off the couch, being careful not to wake up Jack and his son. The father and husband moves around quietly, and debates what to do right now, there is not much to do and not really any food. Negan then remembers the food he has scavenged was left inside the car so he has to get it out and bring it inside so he can eat and Jack has some food for when she wakes up. He leaves the room in a timely matter and knowing that he is going to be real quick he doesn't even take Lucille out with him.

That can be good or bad but he is going in and out in a flash without being seen or heard by the dead. The door is always kept barricaded and locked just to be sure and safe that no one can get in. Negan is taking all the proper precautions to make sure no one hurts his family, and himself for that matter. This random place has been a good home and he plans on keeping it that way for this time being so that Jack and Theo have a roof over their heads and shelter from the impending cold winter months that await not far off from now. Jack hasn't been outside for over a week, Negan rarely ever lets her go out , just occasionally but he has put a cease to that, knowing it's not safe and okay for her.

The man unlocks the door, removing the large cabinet barricade from in front and exits quietly, making sure he has his leather jacket on to keep warm since it's fairly cold out at night. Making his way to the car, he grabs the bag he had left there and goes to turn around with it in hand but a noise and glass breaking makes him jump out of his skin. This is unlike Negan to be scared and to say the least he is a little tiny bit and that is mostly because of what has happened in the past and with so much left to the unknown around him it could be anyone or anything. He cautiously moves and tries to make it to the door slowly and quiet, the noise stops and he takes a deep sigh before the door gets a lot closer.

Before Negan can even open the door, some dead come out and try to attack him but something is off and they don't seem to be snapping to eat him or kill him so this is odd. Negan drops the bag and makes a run for it but he is grabbed by a large man, he originally thinks is a walker but it's a man, and he talks while throwing Negan down onto the ground. He holds his leg that has been twisted slightly from the fall and it does hurt the usually strong man. More and more somewhat dead people come out from nowhere and surround him, while the huge beast of a man towers above a confused Negan. He speaks up and of course Negan being himself has to say something back.

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