Chapter 56 - Worth It

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Every ache and pain is worth it, because in the middle of the night Jack has some back problems that keep her up and now that her belly is popping out, it's getting harder to sleep. She remembers every moment with Theo, he made her uncomfortable at night and since the girl is usually a stomach sleeper, being pregnant makes that impossible. Jack tosses and turns to each side trying to keep herself cozy but it's too hot to sleep and she likes it to be cold when she sleeps, Negan does too but the weather has since gotten warmer out and they don't have any fans.

Having enough of this, Jack has to pee for the millionth time and she winds up just stripping to just her panties to go back to sleep after she comes back from the bathroom. She groans and sits on the edge of the bed, bending down to pull off her shorts, and she's now more open and free from the confinement of her clothes that bother her lately. The man beside her is sound asleep and her son is cozy inside the crib and soon Theo will be sleeping on a bed, when they fix up the other room beside there's that has no bed so they plan to use another crib or find a bed for him. Jack's not ready for that and she might not ever be ready for Theo to be on his own.

By this time Jack knows that if she were in the real world things would be so much different, but what she has now is good enough and it's all she needs to keep her happy. But for now she's so tired she can't even keep her eyes open so Jack crawls under the sheet and rests her head, and without any thoughts left, her eyes close and she falls into deep sleep, dreaming of the amazing things of life.

For the first time in a while Theo screams early in the morning waking Jack up and then Negan. He groans and Jack gets up rubbing her eyes, she's immediately on her feet and rushing to her son, and he's crying and moving around in the crib. Something has scared the poor baby and sometimes he just can't sleep through it, so Jack does her best to comfort the upset infant. She hums and walks back in forth inside their room and she thinks that maybe it's just too warm and Theo is struggling. So no matter what, the parents can't win when it comes to being either hot or cold, and with a fussy baby and another on the way it's going to be hard to keep everyone pleased, Jack sighs.

"Shh, I know Theo it's so hot but you have to sleep honey mommy and daddy need some rest too" after minutes of talking and calming him down, very slowly the boy falls back to sleep and Jack's relieved and tries to get herself to sleep again too, and Negan's also trying as well. His arms wrap around her waist, his hands rest on her belly and he just smiles. "I love this so much" Jack whispers out lightly and quietly.

"Hmm what's that?" Negan questions her and she shifts a little placing her small hand on top of his, so both of them are feeling her belly and the baby inside.

"Just the two of us cuddling with our little bean in here and Theo's over there, we're the family I have always dreamed of having, I always wanted to have kids and now I do it's like still sinking in for me. I thought once the world ended all my dreams and things I wanted were gone for good but nope here we both are" she giggles and Negan moves her hair off her cheek to place a soft kiss.

"Yeah I know baby girl, we sure are that cute little family you have always wanted and I'm pretty fucking happy that I have given that to you, it just sucks thinking about all the shit we had to endure to even get here. I mean all the things with Rick and Alexandria, the warehouse and just everything we're finally here and i say it's pretty nice" before he even realizes it Jack has passed out while he was talking so he stays quiet and let's her sleep and he just takes this time to admire her belly since she's topless and only in panties now, this is the time to just take it all in.

Leaning down he places his ear against her soft skin of her belly bump and he can hear her heart beating and the babies inside but not moving a whole lot, that he can hear at least. He goes on to whisper gently to the baby, not caring if he or she can hear and he is soothing and sweet with his words.

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