Chapter 15 - Not Again

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After finding that box inside the wall, Negan is pretty ecstatic to have liquor again, but Jack relives the painful details of the past life they had here. She moves past it and plans on focusing on the present now, that is what is most important. Negan sets the box down on the floor and searches the rest of the room, but finds nothing of use, so he picks the box back up and carries it out to the hallway with the pile of items they had gathered up. Jack keeps hold of Theo inside her makeshift baby carrier, and he is slowly getting cranky as it is soon time for him to eat.

"Babe we need to hurry, Theo is going to get cranky and i need to feed him soon" Jack expresses concern for her baby and Negan takes that as the cue to hurry along. The last two places to check are the kitchen and the infirmary, if there is anything left Negan and Jack need whatever they can. Jack follows him down the hall to the kitchen first and he looks around all of the cabinets and inside the pantry, nothing is left but empty cans and he cusses under his breath because he knew for sure there would be nothing left.

"Fuck all of this shit, baby we need more food and god damn it i had shit hidden but the rats got it, i mean fuck at this rate we can starve...i'm so fucking mad" Jack can sense his anger and she moves closer to calm him down knowing his temper gets a little out of control sometimes.

"Hey hey it's okay babe, we will be alright just trust me there is food out there somewhere we just need to be patient and find it...i promise" Jack talks soothingly and Negan relaxes his breath, taking slow deep breaths as his wife talks to him reassuringly. Now he feels bad for getting angry like that all of a sudden, so he needs to man up and apologize to her. Jack is not ever scared of Negan, but she knows that he can really get angry.

"You're right, i'm so fucking sorry baby i didn't mean to scare you or yell i'm just so fucking worried and i had in my mind that we would find shit here but nope those fucking dickheads stripped this place clean. Stole all of my shit, damn if i seen them all now i would fuck them over pretty good, now that i got my Lucille back" Jack is so turned on right now by the way he is talking, Negan is still the badass he was before and Jack loves that side of him, she licks her bottom lip but keeps it hidden so Negan doesn't think sexually about it.

"It's okay, how about we check the infirmary now so we can get the fuck out of here because this place being like this is creeping me the fuck out and that makes me think how i always had the feeling this place was haunted, i mean that fucking hospital was for sure" Jack mentions that decrepit hospital again and it pisses Negan off but he just shoves it off. Jack walks out of the kitchen, still with baby Theo in her little sack and Negan follows her till they reach the infirmary.

Negan being the gentlemen he tries to be opens the door for her and they walk in where she sits in the dusty exam chair to take a breath. All of this walking around with an 8 pound baby is wearing down on her legs and back so she needs to take a moment to sit down. "Sorry, my back and legs are fucking killing me babe this little boy is getting heavy already and i'm still just kind of sore from sleeping in that jammed up car" she whines about her sore limbs and Negan shakes his head.

"Well maybe later i can you know massage you down or the other way around. My back is kind of fucked up too" he says with a cheeky smile and Jack thinks about how bad she misses him touching her but she is not even close to being ready for sexual things yet. "Damn they wiped this clean too" he mumbles out noticing that all the meds are cleaned out and most of the other medical supplies have been taken away. Jack gets kind of impatient as she wants to leave as soon as possible, not really wanting to be in here any longer.

"Okay babe, can we please go i just feel so fucking weird being in here" Jack gives him that look and he gives in ditching the plans to search any further. What Jack wants he gives her so she is upset and wants to leave. Negan has had no luck finding much here anyways so he grabs the few things they did find, having to come back in for more while Jack sits down inside the car to feed a now awake and crying Theo. Negan goes back inside to grab the last few items and he takes one last look around knowing very well that this is it, the last time he will see the sanctuary. The plan is to head down back where they are both from, or at least travel as far as he can till the car runs out of gas.

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