Chapter 41 - Keep Going

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The moment that she realizes this is the most dangerous thing Negan has done since they been back together, Jack is so scared that once again he risks his life to save her. But she prepares to run out to the car while Negan distracts the dead and kills them so they can get out. "Okay baby are you ready, go get Theo and the bags and when I say come out quick and get in the car I will be there right after I make sure you get out of the house okay?"

"Yeah please just be careful" he kisses her cheek and opens the door just a little and he busts out while Jack goes and packs the bags up in a hurry and Since it's cold out Jack puts on her baby wrap against her chest and places Theo against her bare chest, so his head rests in between the skin of her breasts to keep him warm and secure inside while she makes a run for the car. Putting the back pack on her back, the duffel bag on her other arm, Theo secured tightly under her shirt, and her jacket is open so he can breath. Theo's head is out so Jack puts his tiny beanie on so his ears stay warm and she waits for Negan's signal which can't come soon enough. This is nerve wracking and Jack finds her patience running out.

Outside Negan uses Lucille, at her finest moments bashing in the heads of a few ugly dead fucks, and he hurries along to get the car open. His wife waits by the door ready to come out, and he signals for her making sure the coast is clear before she quietly but quickly heads out holding onto her baby very tight. Jack makes her way to the car and throws the bags into the back seat and climbs in along with Negan. But before he can even get in a walker comes up behind him and grabs at his back pulling him way from the car. "Negan watch out" Jack screams out to him and he swears.

"Get the fuck off me you ugly fucker" Jack watches as Negan beats the walker to it's timely death and he gets back into the car and starts it rushing off as more dead come around to the noise they caused. He is so out of breath, exhausted but the worried and relieved look in Jack's hazel eyes reassures him that he is okay and she made it to the car safely with Theo also secure. "You okay Jack, is little bean okay?"

"Yeah baby, we're okay I promise see he is nice and snug In here" Jack opens up her shirt a little to reveal Theo laying on her chest, his tiny hands grab at her soft breasts but he feels warm and cozy laying on his mama. "Aww Theo it's okay peanut, mommy is going to keep you nice and warm while daddy gets us out of here" she leans her chin down to place gentle, sweet kisses to Theo's little head and his hair is kind of messy but he looks adorable. While he coos, Negan starts the car and drives away, far away from the house Jack's mom lived in and she looks behind her, watching the house fade away soon to be a distant memory.

Although she will never forget her mom and all the good things that happened before the world ended, Jack has to be strong for herself and her son so she can be the best mom she knows she can be for Theo. Negan drives pretty erratically, worrying Jack and she understands he needs to get out and find safety but his driving is scaring her and it's not safe to drive like that with a two month old. "

"Negan please slow down baby, it's okay we're gone and safe now so please just take it easy okay?" Jack reaches over, her small hand delicately touching his bare arm and he calms down and slows down the car, stopping the vehicle completely to take a rest and deep breath. Jack knows he is rather upset, his body language says it all and his breathing has deepened, but he is not mad at her.

"Shit I'm fucking sorry, I just damn I didn't even realize what the hell was going on like did that all just happen or is this a dream, I mean fuck that all happened so fast Jack" he talks very fast, his nerves very shaken up but now he looks out the window of the car and notices that they are no longer in town, which means they're just outside of the city. "Where are we now baby?" He looks to Jack and she takes in the surroundings knowing that out this way where they are, there's not much around, it's mostly just fields and lots of land.

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