Chapter 22 - Forgiveness

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The calm silence of what was once some kind of storage place or a warehouse makes Negan think lots of things about the world before where everything was okay and everyone just lived without fear. Now what they all have is the fight for survival as the last bit of humans that are left, are easily getting outnumbered by the dead people. But he is happy to have what he does, his beautiful wife and his son, because after he lost Lucille and the world ended he never thought he would find love again and Jack has done that. She has changed him as a man and he loves her so much for that even though he just treated her like shit and he feels so bad for it, but Jack needs space and he is giving her that so things blow off steam for a little.

As he looks around, Negan sorts through some boxes finding useless shit, but he keeps looking and eventually finds some cans of soup inside a cabinet. He is rather hungry so he opens the can and sits on the floor against the wall eating the soup, and he can't get things out of his mind. He often finds himself thinking about the past, and the painful memories of Lucille. She was an amazing woman, the life they had was what he always wanted. But he tears up thinking about how awful he was to her, the fact that he had cheated on her and even after he found out she was sick he treated her like shit.

That is something he can't forget, he was an asshole to her and she always deserved more than him. Now here he is with Jack and he is killing himself mentally for saying hurtful shit to her, and he feels awful. After eating the soup, Negan checks on Jack and she is okay and sleeping peacefully but Theo is awake so the dad moves over to pick him up. "Hey little man" he sits down in the chair across from Jack and he stares at her radiant beauty. Jack must be dreaming because her eyes are moving rapidly and her lips are quivering. Negan has to admire how adorable she looks while she sleeps, and he loves to watch her just like he did back when they were home.

The small baby stays calm and quiet in Negan's arms, and he is actually tired himself but he can't sleep. "Can't sleep huh little man, neither can your daddy i don't deserve your mama, i mean she is so amazing and i treat her like shit, and you well you are my baby boy, daddies twin so when mama wakes up what do you say we do something really nice for her?" Theo coos, moving his hand back and forth. "I take that as a yes then" he chuckles and his son looks up to him with big, wide eyes, he can be pooping but that is okay. "Alright now you're taking a shit and daddy has to clean that up, but we can do this"

After changing his screaming sons diaper, Negan lays him back down so he can sleep and he checks on Jack and she looks cold so he covers her back up and leans down to kiss her exposed cheek. "I love you baby" he whispers and leaves the room, going over to the next room to lay down knowing that Jack and Theo are safe inside the other. He has finally found shelter for his family but Jack is mad at him and it sucks so bad that Negan wants to apologize right now but Jack is peaceful. "I'm a god damn asshole" he talks to himself but because they both love each other so much, this is just a rock in the road for now and they will forgive and forget this fight soon.

By now it's mid day and Negan can no longer sleep but Jack is out like a light, that is until Theo screams for her to feed him. Hearing the baby she moves off the couch and picks him up, doing her usual feeding but she is still really upset over what Negan said. Negan opens the door and sees that Jack is holding their son. "Oh okay i heard him i didn't know you were awake" he says and Jack hesitates to speak.

"I got him, so don't fucking worry Negan" she snaps, Jack is really not in the mood to talk to him, she needs time before she even says anything back. "Just go away i'm so pissed at you" Negan takes that as a hint to scoot and he does, sighing deeply because he has screwed up big time and maybe Jack will hate him now. Jack has no idea what to even do right now, she wants Negan to apologize to her but it's too soon and she needs space. But at this time she needs to use a bathroom, so she lays Theo back down after he falls asleep again, and she gets up and leaves the room.

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