Chapter 11 - Together

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-Negan POV-

That damn bright ass sun shines through the windows of this car and i look to my left, i see the most beautiful woman i have ever seen in my life. She looks fucking amazing to me and boy have i missed her so much. I can't put into words how much, but now she is really here and not in my dreams. Jack is my entire life, and my son too, i am so fucking thankful that she was able to give birth to him. I knew she would be strong and i'm so fucking proud of her for braving through what i can imagine the immense pain she had, but she is so strong and brave i know that, so she did a great job.

I look back to my son, and he is awake with his little eyes open, and he is making little noises while his hands move. Jack is sleeping her little heart out and she looks so peaceful so i figure i will try to be quiet while she sleeps. Theo gets a little fussy so i pick him up and i step out of the car with him in my arms tightly while the hot summer sun is rising. "Hey there little man how about we check this sunrise out while your mama sleeps in huh?" I talk to my baby and he seems to like my deep voice when i talk to him.

I keep thinking about how happy i am now as i look at Theo, he is so fucking cute his chubby cheeks and his fingers and toes how small they are. From now on he is never leaving my sight, so i lean against the car watching him as he looks around as much as he can. Jack is still sleeping and man she hasn't changed much she can sleep all god damn day if she wants to. But i love her so much, and right now Theo is pretty relaxed and not screaming for her yet, but i think he still needs a diaper change, his little ass is one stinky one so this is it for me.

Jack is not awake to help me i think i got this down pat, or i hope i do. She has shown me how to, but this time around it's all up to me. I open the trunk of the car to pull out a diaper and some wipes, and i lay him down taking off his dirty diaper and i do as she has shown me and put on the clean diaper. He is calm and not crying which is good, he seems to be pretty content even though he hates this. I guess i am a lucky Dad right now.

I pick him back up, and i'm sure to hold his head and i hold him while i watch the sunrise come up. It's so nice to actually see it not from a jail cell, and i think back to everything before then. The fact that i was in there while Jack was out here by herself having our baby boy, gosh i love her so fucking much and i love my son with everything i have. I also start to replay the words about Lucille my bat and how she is out there yet where i had lost her, now for me to keep my family safe i must get her back, no if or ans about it.

Theo starts to get a little fussy in my arms and he starts to cry his tiny eyes out with small tears escaping his small lids. My poor son, i already love him so much that it hurts me to see him cry but i know that he most likely wants Jack, and since i don't have any boobs i'm not sure he wants me right now. "Alright Theo, i know that you want your mama's boob" i try to calm him but he screams bloody murder and it's a hungry, tired cry. I mean i don't know that much about newborns but i can tell this type of cry, and he is begging for his mama.

I walk around with him a little swaying him back and forth while i talk to him. "It's okay Theo, daddies gonna get your mama you need to eat soon, just relax for me little man" he continues to cry and he finally tires himself out and he starts to close his little eyes and i know that now Jack will wake up, complain to me that her boobs are full and sore, then she will wake him up. But for now i walk around slowly while watching his cute little breaths, as he sleeps in my arms. I take notice of how little he is, Theo is really a little bean, but i love him, i am going to teach him everything that i can possibly teach him, but first i have to get him and Jack somewhere safe, but for now in this moment i will cherish this.

-Jack POV-

I slowly open my eyes and it's real, everything that happened overnight is real. I have Negan back, my love, the father of my son is here with me again. We are finally the family we should be and i am beyond happy i can't even find the words in my mind. The sun looks so pretty today, and it must be early morning as the glare is strong and bright through the windows of this damn car. Oh gosh i really have to get out of this car, the fucking seat has got my back sore as fuck and it could also be from labor yet.

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