Chapter 10 - First Time

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Of all the things that have happened in the world, or just in his lifetime, Negan never thought he would be here. This is the time he has been waiting for, he is about to hold his son for the first time and it's a little nerve wracking to say the least. Jack just got done feeding him and now the sweet baby boy is pretty active and moving around as Jack holds him in her arms tightly. Negan watches him and he is absolutely in love with him already. He can see the future in his son's eyes, everything he is going to do from now on is for him, and for Jack to. He has to make sure that Theo has the best life, no matter the circumstances, and he smiles at the way he is making cute little noises at his mama and he prepares himself to hold his tiny son.

Jack watches her baby as he looks up to her with big, bright eyes and for the first time she looks to her left and the love of her life is right beside her, together at last. She prepares to hand Theo over to Negan who at the moment is nervous but excited to hold his son. Jack lifts her baby up, making sure to cradle his delicate head, and he cries slightly. "Okay, are you ready babe i'm gonna hand him over" Negan holds his arms out ready for his son.

"Make sure you hold his head" Jack giggles as she places baby Theo into his daddies arms, and he moves around a little, crying at first but Negan keeps a hold of him closely.

"I got him baby" Negan reassures his worried wife, and she rolls her eyes but they land right to Theo, as his little eyes meet his daddies for the first time. This brings tears to her eyes as Theo moves his little hands around looking up to Negan and Jack looks closely and she can see her baby boy smiling up to him. "Look baby i think he's smiling at me" Negan is so in awe with his baby boy, his little twin to be exact. "Hey there little man, i'm your daddy. I already know we're going to be twins, you wait daddies gonna show you how to do everything, maybe i can even get you a little mini Lucille, then you will be a badass like me" he laughs.

"I can't fucking believe that he is smiling at you Negan, that has to be the first time i have seen him smile, and he looks so fucking adorable baby" Jack is downright crying, her son is smiling at his daddy and it has to be the cutest thing she has ever seen before. This is it her life is now complete as she has them both in her life for good now she hopes. "Speaking of Lucille, i think we can get her back?" Jack knows that the tree where Negan was defeated, is a way up the road and his prized bat is still there, they just need to find her.

Negan heard what she said, but he is so busy staring at his baby, that he somewhat blocks out her voice. Jack is so in love with this moment, she can't help but cry and smile ridiculously at Negan. Theo seems very content in his arms, he is moving around, his little toes and fingers are curling up and he makes a stink face like he is pooping and Jack knows that look. "Oh, Negan i think he is pooping" she giggles and he makes a face.

"Damn, i think he is what have you been feeding this kid it stinks"

"Seriously, Negan he is a week old his shit is going to stink but this is your first chance to change a diaper and then he will be hungry again, and after that he will go to sleep and it's a good thing because i am fucking tired" Negan watches Theo make his little stink face as he is going to prepare himself for the stinky ass diaper he is about to change. Theo starts to get fussy, so Jack steps out of the car to grab wipes and diapers from the trunk along with a onesie. "Okay, are you ready for this?" Jack asks Negan as he moves to the back seat where Jack lays her baby down.

Negan also sits with her and Negan opens the diaper up, unsure of how to do it. "Baby, you might have to show me?" He asks Jack and she is patient with him.

"Okay well wipe his butt like this" she wipes his butt with a wipe and around his privates. "Have to make sure he is cleaned up before we put this on him, here why don't you try?" Jack hands him another wipe and Negan nervously wipes around his butt and privates the way that Jack did and he feels better now. "Negan that's good babe, now ready for the diaper?"

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