Chapter 36 - Punishment

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That moment her eyes land on Negan, a few tears escape right away, and she has to make sure that she is in fact awake and not dreaming. Right before she awoke, Jack was having a good dream for once, herself and Negan were so happy to have a nice big and beautiful home of their own and Theo was now a little older. It was all so happy and in the dream they had forgotten all the worries of the apocalypse and both were just living happy with no more fears and Theo was learning to survive with having two amazing teachers to thank for. Jack loved that dream and it was so much better than the scary nightmare she had earlier which is not something she wants to relive.

But this is real and really happening right now, Negan's eyes meet with hers and he is so happy to see her face and the way her eyes are lighting up and tearing means all the more that they are both so in love with one another that nothing in this world or any world could break them apart. "Negan, you're back I can't....I can't even fucking believe this right now" Jack wastes no time sitting up quickly and wrapping her arms around him and hugging him so tightly holding onto him for dear life. Negan does not mind this at all, he of course returns the hug and holds her so her legs wraps around him, and they do cute little kisses to one another.

"Of course I'm back baby, I promised you I fucking would be, I ain't ever leaving you baby girl, you know I would go through all the hell in this world to be right back here with you and our son, believe me" Negan grips onto her tightly and winds up having to sit down with her across his lap and Jack for sure is not letting go of him right now.

"I was so worried about you, I just spent all this time thinking that you were really gone for good and my gosh Negan you can't do shit like this to me like I am serious" Negan cracks his signature smirk and Jack is actually being for real but the way he is looking at her makes her smile and giggle too, because she is just so happy to have her man back here with her now, just like the song says, she needs him here with her. "Negan it's so not fucking funny, like stop fucking laughing"

Jack continues to laugh and they both just giggle like kids together and it is honestly fun to just sit and laugh at all the stupid shit the both of them do sometimes. This is all they both need, with Theo with them too he has now woken up from the noise and Negan is anxious to hold his son again but he remembers the blood all over him that Jack was to busy not to notice it yet. Negan wants to clean himself up before he even touches Theo and also before Jack takes notice and asks questions he doesn't really want to answer yet.

Having really no idea how he is even supposed to tell her he killed some people and got abducted by skin wearing people, who also happen to know the ones who had taken her. Jack will eventually wonder and ask why but Negan wants to take this time to spend with her and Theo before serious things can be discussed, until then he somehow has to get Jack to let go of him. That is going to prove difficult, her cute face is scrunched up against his warm chest, she has her arms around him like a vice grip. He chuckles deeply, and he is happy about this but also wants to get up and clean himself so he looks a little more presentable to hold Theo and then after to get some sleep he needs really badly.

"Jack, baby did you miss me huh?"

"Of course I fucking missed you asshole" she laughs and it sends chills down his spine. "I mean I love you so damn much, so it's just not really okay to do that to me and to your son what if he fucking grew up without you, how would I tell him that his daddy died going out and doing stupid shit" this time though Jack is pretty mad at him but she tries to calm down, not wanting to fight after he just got back from who knows what. She wants to know so badly what went wrong as she knows he came back and left again but why is beyond her.

Negan sometimes likes to keep things from her she knows this all to well and he hates to do that to her but for now the secrets are best kept to himself until they can calm things down and sit down to relax and talk. "I know baby believe me I am so fucking sorry for this and I promise I'm going to tell you everything, I just missed you so much and I want to spend every minute making up that lost time with you and my son, so please baby just don't do this and resent me"

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