Chapter 58 - Patience

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-Jack POV-

I am enjoying this dinner my husband has tried to make me, of course he butchered it up by using fucking coconut oil for pork chops. What the fuck even made him do that, I can't help but laugh my ass off in my head at this but I give him points for trying his best. It was a sweet and cute gesture and I love him so much for this, but it's still kind of dangerous, he could have burned the house down and my baby boy was in the kitchen with him. I know that it was and accident, but Negan had to be careful I am a protective mama bear here, my children are so important to me and I just let it slide this time and sit down to eat what was left, and the rest was pretty good. Potatoes and the carrots were good, I mashed some up for Theo and I feed him with a spoon he is getting so big so quick.

Before I can even stand up, I feel another what I think is a Braxton hick, but no this one is followed by a large gush in my sweatpants, oh holy fucking shit no way right now. I grip the table and pain through this contraction. Now this one is not that bad, I remember they go on and off at the beginning ranging in pain and then gradually get so bad that I passed out when I was having Theo. It felt like I was being ripped in half and now I think that or I know for sure my water just broke and Negan is unaware yet.

"Negan, babe I think it's time" I say out, and he looks back to me and takes notice of the puddle beneath my feet and well he panics.

"No fucking way, holy shit it''s to early baby, what the hell do we do" I can tell he is nervous I get it but we need to get serious right now and prepare ourselves. It won't be long till I am in active labor, transition and then pushing so I need to mentally get ready to have this baby and i just hope that everything is okay. Unlike when I had Theo, he went full term and this baby I know for sure is not full term, he or she has to be a month or so early and that is so fucking scary. What if something is wrong, and he or she dies, I panic and start to cry while standing up.

It has been at least five minutes since my water broke and the first set of contractions hit, now it's all at a standstill. I relax my body and prepare for the next, the pain goes up real high and then goes down gradually so I can already feel the pressure building and the baby is moving down I can tell for sure since my belly has now dropped. "Negan we have to go upstairs, please can you help me so I can change and lay down"

"Shit, yeah come on baby" my amazing husband helps me up the stairs and I have to stop and cry just a little from another cramp that hits me, it hurts pretty bad and now it seems to be moving along labor wise. It's only gonna get worse from here on out and at least this time around I will be more comfortable and I will have Negan by my side to help me with this. Being alone during something as hard as giving birth to a baby is not fun and I still shake to this day from that horrible feeling when I had Theo.

I make it to the bedroom, where a panicking Negan helps me into bed and he pulls off my soaked pants leaving me naked from the waist down since my panties were soaking wet too. "Ouch just be careful, it hurts babe" I cry out to him to be careful and I don't want to turn into a bitch right now, but it's getting fucking painful now and I need to just relax and not stress so I can labor as peaceful as I can. Negan leaves me for a moment to get Theo, I want him to be in my sight, he is too little yet to know what is going on so he will be fine in here, even on the bed with me for now, before things get to intense.

Now I'm not a sissy, I am a strong badass woman and I have done this before, but towards the end it gets really bad and I will be cussing and screaming for this baby to come out and I don't want my son or husband to see me in so much pain but Negan swears to be by my side no matter what and I love him for that. When he returns, he takes notice that I am not completely naked, I took all my clothes off because it's a little hot and I want to be as comfy as I can. Besides, bras are hurting my huge boobs anyways and when the baby comes out I want him or her right on my bare chest, just like I remember doing with my baby boy, I still to this day remember the whole experience and now here I am about to have another go.

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