Chapter 26 - Better Now

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One month later...

A month has gone by since the fight Negan and Jack had, since that night they have grown closer than ever before. Theo is growing like a weed, he is now about seven weeks old, maybe close to two months. The baby has gotten so big already, Jack has been keeping him fed and healthy while Negan makes sure that they are both safe inside the warehouse they have called home the past few weeks. Jack and Negan have made this place a home with very little things and supplies but it works and keeps them from the outside world.

Negan goes out and hunts for anything they can eat while Jack stays with Theo, not wanting him to be out and about possibly exposed to harm. The protection over Theo is insane, both Negan and Jack are so in love with their baby boy and if anything happened they would both die. That fear of something bad happening to her husband when he leaves and goes out to hunt always bothers Jack, but she knows that he is usually okay and he has to do something for food. What they have inside is not enough, it does work for now but Negan goes out and finds more food.

Lately he has been bringing back some fish from a creek near by that he had come across. Other than that there isn't much for deer or rabbits around to eat. The fish works well and Jack tries her best to cook on the small burner and sometimes it is frustrating getting it to work but Jack keeps her calm and cooks the best that she can. For many nights and days it's basically been the same thing, Negan won't allow Jack to leave the building and they have argued back and forth on occassions over the fact that Negan risks his life by going out into the dangerous world.

However they always make up, talking things out like they always do and they love each other no matter what they say. Sometimes Negan is moody and pissed off and Jack is the same way and now that she is back to her normal self after having a baby she is so much more tense and easily irritated. Over the past month, Jack has re organized the room they live in moving the couch they sleep on and she keeps Theo's basket and all his items tucked away right next to him. The mom loves having her baby close to her at all times, Theo is always in her sight and she never leaves him alone.

When Jack leaves the room to use the bathroom or just to explore she has been taking Theo with her wrapping him inside her wrap, which he loves being close to his mommy. Theo is getting so much more active and alert and he is so smart for being two months old, and there are times when he is so cute that Jack wants to cry. The fact that her little miracle is here and he is so adorable makes her thankful. Back then she didn't think after all that had happened to her she would have this chance to have another baby but Theo was meant to be here and Negan was meant to be her husband.

A lot has changed since the couple has found this warehouse, and both Negan and Jack have had the chance to search it and they had found out that it was a warehouse for a retail store but mostly everything has been wiped out and what was left they have gone through already. There was some furniture, Jack found some board games inside the boxes, some toys for Theo when he is older and she was also fortunate enough to find Theo some new baby clothes, but it really wasn't much.

Here they are now, Negan has just come back from scavenging and he had no luck. Jack has been sitting most of the day waiting for him to return and she worries so much for him while he is gone but her job is to keep Theo safe and the doors locked up while he is gone. Jack can hear him walk into the room and she is currently breastfeeding and singing to Theo while he eats. Lately though she has been starting to sing a lot more and Theo is getting to that point where he is more responsive than before. It reminds the woman of when she was pregnant, she sang a lot because she didn't have Negan there with her and it kept her spirits up but it mostly kept Theo active inside the womb.

"Hey beautiful" Negan says as he sits down next to his wife. "Had no fucking luck today, went out damn far and didn't find shit but hey at least that fucking car still runs" he chuckles and it's one of those moments when Jack wants to knock on wood, and that is the last thing they need or want to have that car break down for sure leaving them with nothing. It almost makes her shake and worry but Negan is always there to make her feel better and safe so that she doesn't have to.

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