Chapter 14 - A Messy Situation

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Whether or not they are really married or not, Jack has no cares in the world as she stares at the ring that now resides on her finger. Negan is her unofficial husband and she is crying tears of joy of course. He continues to walk around with Theo, soothing the baby boy but he cries for his mama again, Negan realizes that maybe his diaper is dirty. He hands him to Jack so she can check. "Oh shit, babe his diaper is really fucking nasty, like look at this" Jack lays him down on the plain as day mattress, removing his onesie which has been a mess from his messy diaper. Theo had a bit of a messy accident. "Oh no peanut, did you make a mess" Jack talks to Theo, he cries from the the fact that she has stripped him naked now.

His little outfit got ruined from the runny mess he made, Jack cusses under her breath wondering how she is going to clean him up. "Fuck, Negan how are are we going to clean him, this shit is all up his back and a little down his's fucking gross babe we can't just leave him dirty like this" Negan thinks on his feet and he panics but knows he has to go out to the car quick.

"Shit, baby let me go out to the car and get his bag of clothes and what else should i get?" He asks Jack as she stares at her screaming son, he has the poopies and she feels so bad, but she needs to take care of him.

"See if there is a towel anywhere, we have to somehow bathe him but the water in the bathroom don't fucking work anymore....fuck this" Jack gets a little mad, but she calms down in front of her son so she don't scare him. Negan leaves the room in a hurry to walk out to the car. He is lost looking in the trunk so he sees Theo's bag of clothes, he grabs diapers and wipes, but also he finds small towels, baby towels. Jack really stocked shit up, this car is full of stuff, she must have went crazy when she found all these items for the baby. He grabs them and heads back inside, still curious as to how they can get Theo clean.

Jack watches as her baby boy moves around on his back, he lays content and pretty still on the bed. She feels so bad that he doesn't feel so good, but she plans on making him feel better soon. Negan returns and sets the baby clothes and other items down on the bed and Jack shifts slightly to think. "Babe, we need like water or something to wipe him down, he is so messy" they both think about how to go about this, this is parenting at it's finest. A real test for the new parents, Jack has never dealt with this, and neither has Negan.

"Okay well i can see if there is water left in the shower i highly fucking doubt it but you never know baby" he finally comes up with some kind of hope, Theo starts to cry badly and Jack wants to pick him up so she wraps a towel around him for now, so she can hold him while Negan figures shit out.

"It's okay peanut, please don't cry for mommy i promise i am going to get you cleaned up so you can feel so cute and clean again" Jack talks to him and he calms just a little bit. Negan walks into their bathroom trying to get water out of the sink faucet, a little bit comes out and it's enough to soak a washcloth to clean Theo up. At this point they both are so desperate to get him clean so this will have to do. He leaves the now empty bathroom with the small bowl of water. "Wow you actually got some water babe, that is great"

Jack happens to notice the small amount of water and it is gonna have to work so she leans over making sure Theo stays on the bed. He is pretty active but he doesn't really move around to much on his own he is too little yet. When he moves it's just his hands and feet, which Jack thinks is so adorable, he has also started to smile slightly, which melts both of their hearts. "Negan, can you please hold him while i wipe his butt and up his back, i can't hold him and do that at the same time"

"Of course baby, should i hold him up naked with shit all over him or....Jack rolls her eyes and nods her head.

"Okay don't be weird babe, we have to clean our baby up, so lets just get this done and hopefully he doesn't shit all over himself again, i will be so fucking mad but i love him anyways i can forgive peanut for this" Jack giggles, as Negan picks a naked baby Theo up and he gets past the smell, chuckling slightly. "See he is not that bad baby, we have to be parents and this is what comes with it so it's so much fun" he gives her a sideways look while she holds up the washcloth to wipe his butt and his back.

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