Chapter 72 part 1-3

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Demi POV
I'm four months along and today we're going to the doctors to find out the gender... Maybe. We don't know if we'll be able to find out but hopefully. It's now the last week of June. We're dropping the kids off at Seth's house. He's come close with Corey and Corey thinks it's cool what they do at the police station so Corey wanted to go over there and He offered to watch Kenzie too. It took a week but they finally arrested the owner of the day care and it turns out Kenzie wasn't the only one. There was two other cases that nobody looked at... We met those parents and their kids. The one is three and the other one is Kenzie's age. It's really upsetting to know what people are capable of... We drop the kids off and drive to the doctors. The whole way we fight about if it's gonna be a boy or a girl. Colton says boy but I feel like it's a girl. We get there and go inside, getting called back immediately. They check my blood pressure and everything and then the doctor comes back. He sits down and asks a few questions before lifting my shirt. He puts the gel on it and we look at the screen. Before the doctors says anything Colton stands up and is about to say something but stops himself. I look at him and laugh knowing what he's going to say... "It's a boy... Congratulation." The doctor says. Colton contains himself but I know when we get into the car he's gonna blow up. We make our next appointment for six months and then leave. We get in the car and he looks at me. "Go ahead..." "Told youuuu." He says like a little kid. I laugh. "Shit... Colton Jr..." "No!" I say pulling out. "Just think about it... It'll grow on you." "Highly doubt it..." I say. We stop at the mall cause Colton wanted to get a few things. We go into the shoe store and he picks out at least seven pairs of shoes. "You are the only guy I know who has more shoes than me." He shrugs and pays for them. He actually gets paid a good amount at his job. We haven't really talked about how much but he built that whole house out of his money so it must be a nice amount. After that we go to the food court. I'm on Twitter and post a picture of the sonogram. "Boy or girl? Hmmm @/ColtonOake." I reread some tweets and retweet some hinting towards it. "I hope it's a boy..." "I want another Corey!" "Boyyyyy!" As I'm on Twitter Colton gets my attention. I look at see some girls walking over. "Can we get a picture with you guys?" I smile and nod. I take a few with them and then Colton gets in. "By the way... I really hope you have a boy..." One of the girls say. "Well i guess that's a good thing..."


Demi POV
A few months pass. I'm now seven months along. It's September which means Corey's now in school and my 24th birthday passed. We didn't do much. Just go out with my family who flew in. I've been working on my fifth album and it's coming along great. Not long before its complete. "Mommy..." Kenzie says walking in. I pick her up and sit her on my lap. "Hey baby girl. What's up?" "Where Cors?" She asks. She has started to make everything plural... Even names. "I dropped Corey off at school..." He started first grade. "Daddy?" She asks. "Daddy has work." "Just us?" I nod. She claps and I laugh. "And brudder." She says putting her hands on my stomach. She puts her ear on it and listens. I laugh and take a picture before lifting her up to stand on my legs. "Whatcha wanna do today? Just us." She thinks. "Pay pwace." She says hinting towards McDonald's with the play place. "How about we go shopping a little for your brother and then we'll stop at McDonalds on the way home." "Otay." I get her changed and then I get dressed myself. I look through the nursery stuff that we have and then we leave. I have all the furniture but absolutely no clothes, bottles, sheets for the bed... Anything. I get to baby's r us and go through the isles with Kenzie in the cart playing with what I put in there. I throw in a thing of pacifiers that have different designs on them. "Mine." Kenzie says. I look. "You don't use Binkies anymore." "Yeah huh." She says. She just started to go off of them. She was on way to long. She's gonna be three in March so I took her off. I get cute socks, shoes, a few toys, a bunch of clothes, sheets for the bed, diapers, bottles... There's still some stuff we need but I got a lot. We are definitely gonna need more clothes but for now we're fine. We still have a couple months. Afterwards we stop at McDonald's, I let her play for a little bit and then we go home.


Demi POV
We get home and I put Kenzie in the play room with the three dogs while I go unpack everything. It takes awhile but I finally finish. I finish with a cute pair of tiny grey overalls. I put it on my stomach and take a picture of it. I post the picture to my social medias. "Can't wait... So much love for someone I've never even met. It's unreal..." After I fold them and put them away I post the picture of Kenzie listening to my stomach. "Not the only one excited. Cor and Kenz are beyond excited to meet their baby brother... #/November11." That's his due date. I also post a random one on Twitter. "Sorry bout all the baby posts. Just did a huggeee shopping spree and now just wanna put him in everything I bought... November... Hurry up! #/cantwait" Colton gets home later that night from work. Corey's in the kitchen doing homework and Kenzie's watching cartoons while playing with her toys. I go upstairs and find Colton locking his gun into his safe. "You gotta bring that thing home every night?" I ask. "Yeah... I can't leave it there. Plus what if something happens?" "I'm sure nothing's gonna happen." I say realizing he's really over protective of us. "How CJ doing?" He asks putting his hands on my stomach. I roll my eyes. "For the last time... we are NOT naming him CJ..." He laughs. He does that just to bug me. I really like Pheonix! And I like his other name he picked out Caleb too... I don't know yet but I know it will not be CJ. "Mommy's stubborn. Your gonna be a CJ..." He says talking to my stomach. "No you not." I say. He laughs and kisses it. Once he takes his hand off the baby kicks. "Babe..." I say taking his hand and putting it back on it. We stay like that until he stops. "He knows it's daddy." Colton says. He walks past me and gets his phone. "Smile..." He says taking my picture. I shake my head and cover my face. Soon my phone dings. I look and see Colton's post. "The beautiful @/ddlovato camera shy... CJ isn't though..." I retweet it and quote "HIS NAME IS NOT CJ!" "We'll see😜😘..." I retweet it and watch everyone go crazy. "I love CJ!" Someone comments. I retweet it and quote, "Hmmm...."



So Colton's hooked on CJ...

Demi doesn't want CJ...

Hmmmm... What do you think they're gonna pick?

Any Who my school had a bomb threat yet again, was evacuated and sent home... Damn... If you want to leave school, stay home... Don't bomb the school...

Love you guys! SO CLOSE TO 100K!!


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