First Day

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Your POV

I begin walking up the front steps of the dormitory after hugging my best friend goodbye. I open the door with a deep breath, heart pounding with excitement as my mind rushes the the reality.

I finally arrive in my room, a double, and set down my bags on the side that I assumed to be mine as the other bed had a backpack thrown on top of it.

Clearly, my roommate had arrived first but was now no where to be seen. I decide to go and explore the campus a bit to try and find my classes and such.

I walk out and head toward the math classes in the main building. In my first hour class that I start tomorrow I see this tall emo looking boy with died green hair growing out from his natural brown. He was taller than me and was decently attractive.

"Why hello there, hot stuff, what brings you to this room?"


Why does he have to be obnoxious and pervy? His voice is gravelly and deep but I'm pretty sure he's not much older than me.

"Don't call me that. And if you're oh so curious, I'm finding my classes."

"Finding your classes? This is a second level room, you must be at least a sophomore right? Don't you know your way around by now?"

"I'm a Freshman actually. Duel credits."

"Oh, so your an overachiever. I don't think we'll get along well." I snicker a bit at this.

"I could have told you that much." He laughs with me.

"The name's Beej by the way. I'm a junior." He holds out a hand with a sarcastic smirk. I ignore it and roll my eyes.

"(Y/N), Freshman."

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now