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Lydia drags me down the long corridor by my wrist, occasionally hopping a bit with excitement to see her friend.

He must be a really special guy to make her this spastic.

We arrive on the opposite side of campus where the boys' dorm sets. Lydia leads me to a room and I could instantly tell this was the place. The floor rumbled slightly and the muffled music bursts to a loud booming as the door opens.

I walk in as Lydia leads me through the dense crowd. The room is hot from the bodies all crowded in a room except for in spaced out areas of underage students playing beer pong or other party games.

"There he is! Come on (Y/N) I'll introduce you."

Seeing the person we were headed towards made my pulse drop to my throat.

"Hey Lyd- oh hello there babes."

"You've got to be kidding me..." I mumble under my breath, fully annoyed.

"Oh, so you've met then!" Lydia is clearly bad at reading a room. "I'll let you two chat for a bit, I'm going to start catching up on drinks."

"So, I guess you're the girl Lyds is trying to set me up with."

"Excuse me? Ew." Beej laughs and tries to mock an offended look.

"Wow, ouch." His smirk fades a bit "She's been trying to get me 'on the board' or whatever. I told her I'm perfectly fine shamelessly hitting on girls who always reject me." he grins in a cheesy manner that I can't help but blush a bit at.

"Maybe you wouldn't get rejected so much if you weren't a perv."

"Hey! I'm not a perv, I'm just..." He looks at the ceiling and presses a finger to his lips thoughtfully. "Outgoing."


"Well if you don't believe me, I'll show you. Maybe we can go over for a couple shots and start over." His eyes narrow calmly.

I scoff and roll my eyes.

"Will you ever take the hint that you're not getting in my pants?" He smirks a bit.

"Well, it was worth a shot. I do seriously want some booze though. You coming?" I sigh and find myself smiling a bit with him.

"I suppose."

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now