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Content warning: Mild smut, also daddy kink plays an aspect in this story if you didn't read the description

Betelgeuse's POV

"Hey guys, do you mind if I stay the night here tonight? I don't really feel like being around the guys today."

"Yeah, of course. You can take my bed again."

"No, You take it tonight, I'll take the floor this time."

"Okay, if you insist." I throw a quick wink at (Y/N) and she gives a subtle look of curiosity.

"Well, I'm going to bed so you two crazy kids just keep it down, okay?" Lydia says, getting her bed ready.

"Okay, well I was meaning to show (Y/N) a few episodes of this show so we'll probably be up for a little while."

I saw the look of realization on (Y/N)'s face. She quickly climbed under the blanket with me on the floor, cuddling up close.

We did watch some Netflix before Lydia fell asleep for sure. She looks at me and smiles like an imp.

She kisses me quickly on the lips. Only once at first before returning to the show.

"Wow, just going to tease me like that, huh?" I whisper to her.

She smiles like she were plotting something "You call that teasing?"

That was fucking hot, okay then.

Suddenly she pulls herself onto me and kisses me roughly. Fuck. I grab at her hair. She gasps at the sudden roughness.

"I think I liked that little gasp there, mind showing daddy that again?" I tug a bit and she tries to hold back her quiet moan. She stops and has a thoughtful small smile on her face.


"Well, you called yourself daddy." I tensed up a little bit. I barely even noticed.

"Y-Yeah, I guess I did." I paused for a moment thinking. "Do you... want to call me daddy?" I asked, not sure where this conversation was going.

"I... yes."

Edit: Sorry for the tons of grammatical errors from the original version of this that I wrote last night. I was half asleep and so I kept forgetting who's perspective it was in and jumbled up sentences. I fixed it now.

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now