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Your POV

As much as neither of us wanted to leave, we were hungry.

"So can you drive?"

"Um, legally?" I look at his face and realize he is 100% serious.

"Yes, legally."

"Then no."

"So do you just want to get lunch on campus or something?" He smirks

"Ah, campus food. The most romantic thing in the world."

I roll my eyes "Oh hush, the food isn't even bad."

He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "Clearly soon I need to take you on a real date. With real food."

I know he's teasing but my face still goes red at the thought. "Well maybe that should be arranged."

We leave for lunch and decide on the Chinese food. We order, wait, then sit down. We can't be super pda on the chance that someone knows and sees us.

Right now, we've decided to lay low for a bit. We talked over lunch until we both got a text at the same time.

(The letter Y should be mentally substituted for your initial)
Lydia Deetz has added you to a group chat
L: Where the hell are you guys?
Y: At lunch
B: On campus, try to find us
L: This group chat shows the nice dynamic of your guises personalities.

We look at each other and giggle a bit before finishing our food and conversations.

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now