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I woke up at around six in the morning to Steve an inch from my face, shaking me. I nearly punched him on instinct.

It was still dark outside.

"Hey, do you wanna go on a walk with me?"

"What the hell dude, what time is it?"


"Wh- Fuck it sure." I went to stand up but realize
(Y/N) is still asleep on me. "Wait no I can't leave her here."

"She'll be fine, we won't be long. Steph and Stephen are here too."

"Ah yes, they'll protect her with the power of flirting and puns."

"Come on, you know they're good when they need to be. Besides, I don't think Steph would let anyone scratch her at this point."

"Okay, okay. But I'm at least leaving a note in case one wakes up." and I do just that. I post a sticky note on the door.

Steve and me are on a walk keep an eye on (Y/N) we'll be back soon


I am illiterate, it's fine.

We head out the door and out of the dorm building. We decide to just walk around campus and take in the cool air.

This was pretty nice.

Then Steve pulled out a gun.


We sat on a bench and talked for a bit. The conversation of my relationship came up.

"So, finally gave up being single huh?"

"Yeah, I don't know what it is about her but she makes me feel a lot of things that I didn't know I could feel."

"You really like her, don't you?"

"No... I think I love her." He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"You're high."

"I'm not high, I just woke up. And I'm serious. She's really important to me. She and I didn't even get along at first but I couldn't ever be mad at her. I could never get her out of my head." He stares at me as I go off on a tangent.

"I'm not even going to apologize or even stop myself from being all gross and cheesy. I seriously care about that girl and it drives me insane. I feel like I have to protect her with everything I have just so she doesn't realize she can do better!" tears start to well in my eyes.

Steve looks panicked. He's seen me drunk but never like this sober.


"Hey, it's okay. Let's get you back inside."

It's 4am and I will probably write like three more chapters just tonight. I probably won't upload them until tomorrow when I'm not delusional but it's fine

They exist I swear

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now