The Kiss

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Content Warning: This might get slightly intimate.

She pulled away after only a couple seconds. I stared at her wide eyed. I didn't know what to do or how to feel. My heart was pounding and (Y/N) looked just as shocked as me.

"I love you too, Betelgeuse." she stops herself "Wait, you hate your name don't you. Sorry."

"I don't hate it so much when you say it."

She looks me in the eyes and I place my hand on her cheek. I slowly lean in and she leans in too. I press my lips against hers gently.

The kisses start to pick up movement and I pull her closer to me. Soon enough she's on my lap and we're fully making out. Her hands were tightly grasping my hair and my arms were wrapped around her waist.

I would have been trying to explore her more but I decided not to out of respect. I care about her and I want this to work out. I want to take things slow, I want her to lead the way.

She breaks away for a moment to catch her breath and I take the opportunity to make a crack at her.

"I told you you would come around eventually." I smirked but my speech was broken through panting and my words were quiet.

"Shut up." she laughs "Speaking of which, how about that food?"

"Again, I could make a joke but I won't."

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now