Oh uh... Hi

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I reluctantly took my seat. She quickly looks away from me and I avoid eye contact too. I feel my entire body tense up.

She looks at me finally. She opens her mouth to speak but stops herself as the teacher starts his introduction to the rules and procedures. By begins I mean continues after I interrupted with my tardiness.

She begins writing on a piece of paper and I expected it to be a sorry. I prepared myself to reject it, to force myself to be angry, to make her hate me more.

I opened the note and saw something unexpected.

Anything to stay?

Fuck that hurt.

Yeah actually. Don't talk to me and I won't talk to you.

I scrawled out with shaky hands. I crumpled it up before rolling it back to (Y/N).

Two can play hardball.

She looked at the paper and then checked if the prof was looking before tearing it up. I wanted to leave. I wanted to get up, walk out and transfer to online classes.

Why can I never move when I want to? Why does she have this affect on me? I met her yesterday, she was a bitch to me, I was a dick to her, and now we don't get along. So why should I care?

Why do I care?

I pulled out my phone and texted Lyds.

B: So I think we have a problem.
L: Dude, I'm in a lecture, what is so important?
B: Your roommate is what's so important. She's also the problem.
L: Wdym?
B: She's in this class with me. I think she hates me.
L: Okay well neither of you are giving me a clear answer on what actually happened last night???
B: ....I don't really know. I think we were both drunk. I got vulnerable and sensitive and she snapped. I know I'm the one who fucked up and so I walked away when she confirmed she hated me.
L: BJ, she doesn't hate you. From what I know at least.

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now