This Should be Good

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Betelgeuse's POV
"I suppose."

I smile at the cute girl in front of me. "Suppose? What are you some kinda nerd?"

"Hey, I'm not a nerd, just an intellectual." She jokes back.

"Ooh, fancy nerd." I smirk, hoping she can't see the hint of pink on my cheeks past the dimmed lighting of the room.

We walk over to the kitchen area and I pour myself a couple shots, offering to do the same for her. She insisted on pouring it herself.

"You might roofie me or something." I know it was a joke but that one stung a bit. I laughed it off anyways.

I know she doesn't like me, I'm used to that. Lydia is the only person who ever really liked me. Sure acquaintances, roommates, peers. They like me but I'm not their friend.

Oh I'm getting melodramatic.

"No, the more you talk, the less I want to." I smirk at (Y/N) trying to match her joking insults. A part of me wanted that one to hurt a little.

"I somehow doubt that." She smiles again. I know she hates me but at least I can make her smile.

"Oh? And why's that?"

"Because your face has been red since Lydia left."


I felt my face heat up more and I tried to stay calm. I decided for an eyeroll followed by another shot.

"You're only saying that to try and make me nervous. I won't fall to your wits, fancy nerd." I smile and she smiles back without even noticing.

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now