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Hey guys this isn't super important and you don't really have to read this, I just need to ramble for a second.
I won't be writing much over this next week.

So basically I am very stressed. I'm a high school student if you guys didn't know.

I just got off of break and I now have my scholarship applications, PSATs, SATs, FAFSA, and college visits. I have my PSAT in two days and I am being killed with stress.

Also, this isn't something I really planned on mentioning because it's just depressing and unnecessary and I hate bringing people down.

I became attached and hyper fixated on the Beetlejuice musical as soon as I discovered it because it was a coping mechanism for me.

I had just went through a lot of very dark and very serious emotional trauma and I needed a distraction. This story is a part of that.

Now mentioning this may seem out of the blue but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads my story, who comments, who votes, everyone who just generally interacts. I appreciate you all so much and you can never know how much each and every one of you means to me.

The three people who don't comment but always vote on each chapter, sometimes right after I post it.

The two or three who comment on nearly every line.

The few who only comment occasionally.

The ones who only reply to comments.

The ones who just read and never say a word.

I see all of you, I know all of you, I appreciate all of you, and I love all of you.

Thank you all.

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