Saying Yes

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Do I need to put a content warning at this point?

He looked shocked at my confident response but takes no time in accepting it. He bites down roughly onto my neck. I moan out loudly.

"F-fuck...d-" I squeeze his hand and my hips buck instinctively.

"What was that, love?"

"D-daddy." I moan quietly. He gets closer to my ear.

"I can't hear you." I giggle a bit.

"Aye aye captain." He smiles and shakes his head at me as I start singing the spongebob theme song. He cuts me off with a kiss, moving his hand away from my wrist and down to my waist.

I take my free hand to pull him closer to me and deeper into the kiss. I put my hands in his hair, grabbing gently.

His hand starts travelling down lower and I feel my heart pick up. I pull away from the kiss to catch my breath and I watch his hand curiously.

He reaches the elastic on my leggings and puts only his thumb under it, looking to me for permission to continue. I nod.

"No." He says. "A nod isn't good enough. I need you to say it's okay. I need you to say yes."

"Yes." I say, gulping afterwards.

"Are you sure? You seem nervous."

"I'm sure."

A lesson in consent
Starring: Betelgeuse

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now