New to This

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Content warning: Okay I'm putting one here because it gets a bit more intense than the past scenes sooooo

I tense up a bit as he slides my leggings down slightly to give his hand more room. He looks at me up and down.


"Yeah, Beej?"

"You're beautiful." I feel my face go red and he looks me in the eyes as he slides his hand under my underwear. "You're sure you're okay with this?"

"Yes. You know you don't have to be so cautious with me."

"Yes I do, that's how consent works. If you think I don't then you haven't been treated right."

"Well Ive sorta... never... done this before." He smiles a bit then presses a gentle kiss to my lips.

"Well then I guess I'll just have to show you how you deserve to be treated then." He starts rubbing his hand against me slowly. As soon as I get used to the rhythm, moving my hips in time, he sticks one finger inside.

I gasp a bit at the sudden change but it isn't quite enough.

"M-More..." I gasp out quietly. He happily obliges, adding a second finger. He has very large hands so Two was certainly enough. I start to moan as he pushes them in and out.

He takes them out for a second, licking them clean.

"Th-that was really hot, daddy." I teased. He decides to tease back.

"Oh really?" He starts sucking on his fingers, swirling his tongue around them. I squirm a bit underneath him and he takes quick notice. "What is it, Princess?" He smirks.

I can feel my face turn crimson.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door. It's midnight.

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now