Authors Note

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Hello everyone

Yeah, yeah. I know after not updating in 7 months an author's note is the last thing you want to see.

I felt like you guys would assume by now but I wanted to officially announce that I will likely not be finishing this story.

I also wanted to apologize for leaving off on a cliffhanger

Basically how it was going to end was Steph is gay and you find him on a bridge and talk him out of suicide then he comes out to the boys. Steve already knew and they all support him unconditionally.

Also thank you all for the comments. I read all of them. AND if you wanna reach out to me I totally appreciate the kind messages

Ending off with a little self promo, I've been working on an original story with my boyfriend. It's about two gods who are angsty narcissistic assholes and they're best friends but pretend to hate each other.

It's a pretty fun story, I would really appreciate if you checked it out.

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