Good Morning

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I wake up in my bed.

Wait...this isn't my bed.

I wake up to Lydia asleep on a blanket on the floor next to me and (Y/N) in the other bed. I look around and realize this must be their room.

Wait, how did I get here?

(Y/N) is out cold, she was really drunk last night. I hope she remembers at least most of what happened.

I know I do.

"Hey Lyds, you alive?"

She peeks one eye open, shakes her head and closes it. I would yell to get her up but I don't want to disturb her petrified roommate.

"Lydia, I have questions." She finally sits up

"Okay, I probably have answers."

"First off, how did I get here?"

"Well you walked. The closet got really quiet so we decided to knock. No answer, we came in, you guys were asleep cuddling on the floor. I decided to wake you up because there was no way I could carry you, she's heavy enough."


"Anyways, I woke you up, you didn't want to move. I was going to carry (Y/N) but you insisted. You refused to leave her side and drunkenly tried to lay in her bed with her. It's a twin, you obviously both couldn't fit and so I let you have mine."

My face heated up. That is so embarrassing... I hate being that drunk. Well I love it but I hate it when I'm vulnerable.

Finally, the rock in bed moved and started to make noise.

Human!Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now